Coping with a MC Addiction


Well-known member
I'm trying to get my MAC buying habit under control.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this?
So far, I have told myself that I will NOT buy a MAC product unless:
-It is unlike anything I already have.
-I have actually *run out* of something, and therefore "need" it.
-It is so beautiful that I feel that I cannot continue to breathe unless I own it.

-It is a gift for someone else.

So far, I have at least cut down, which for me is progress, but every time I see that awful black limited edition triangle beside a product, this voice whispers, "Better get it now, or you'll miss out!"

Anyone have any suggestions?

little teaser

Well-known member
well you know the old saying out of site outta mind as long as your here chatting makeup and everyones fotd and hauls that look so beautiful it's almost impossible im sorry im no help!


Active member
I found that trying to save money to buy something else I really need helps. I have been saving to buy a new vacuum for months, and did not buy any makeup during that time. I also think of all the things I bought and don't use! This helps me be more critical of what I want.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
well you know the old saying out of site outta mind as long as your here chatting makeup and everyones fotd and hauls that look so beautiful it's almost impossible im sorry im no help!

Big 2nd, as soon as I start to read reviews and go over FOTDs, I start mentally compiling a list of things I think I need right away. Also I think keeping away from here will help you not get caught up in the LE hype...there is nothing put out in LE that won't be put out again in some form or another anyway.
If worse comes to worse just scare yourself by looking into what you really need to be saving for. I just take a look at my school loans and that sets me straight (for like a day maybe :))


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
well you know the old saying out of site outta mind as long as your here chatting makeup and everyones fotd and hauls that look so beautiful it's almost impossible im sorry im no help!

I think you're advising that I avoid Specktra.
As painful as that sounds, I think you're right!
I guess it's part of conquering my problem.
And, of course, I meant for this thread's title to be "Coping with a MAC Addiction!"
How embarrassing ....


Well-known member
Pull out your existing collection and play with it. That way you may realize that you don't REALLY NEED something. Also, when you're at the mall, skip the cosmetics section of Nordstroms.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by cno64
I think you're advising that I avoid Specktra.
As painful as that sounds, I think you're right!
I guess it's part of conquering my problem.
And, of course, I meant for this thread's title to be "Coping with a MAC Addiction!"
How embarrassing ....

oh my i hope i dont piss some one here at specktra off but i got more and more addicted here but i also think that it's not specktra it's MAC'S fault for throwing those darn le iteam's at us every time you turn around that are a must have you know but im trying to tame my addiction too so im open for ANY sugestions


Well-known member
This might help a little...just because it's LE doesn't need you HAVE to buy sounds like you've already amassed quite the MAC collection..a lot of the LE items are actually very similar to existing colors...I noticed that when I was working with MAC fulltime...everytime something new and LE came out, everyone at the counter would immediately say "This looks just like (fillin product name)." Freshwater = Belle Azure, etc. So if you miss the LE product the first time around, chances are it will be back in some incarnation or other.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
Big 2nd, as soon as I start to read reviews and go over FOTDs, I start mentally compiling a list of things I think I need right away. Also I think keeping away from here will help you not get caught up in the LE hype...there is nothing put out in LE that won't be put out again in some form or another anyway.
If worse comes to worse just scare yourself by looking into what you really need to be saving for. I just take a look at my school loans and that sets me straight (for like a day maybe :))

me too i know what you mean im glad to know im not alone or crazy


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
oh my i hope i dont piss some one here at specktra off but i got more and more addicted here but i also think that it's not specktra it's MAC'S fault for throwing those darn le iteam's at us every time you turn around that are a must have you know but im trying to tame my addiction too so im open for ANY sugestions

You certainly didn't make *me* mad; I think you made a valid point.
I sort of reasoned that Specktra was kind of a harmless release, since here I could look but not buy. Also, it's actually helped me talk myself out of a few things, by making me realize that they wouldn't work for me.
But, if I'm trying to NOT think about MAC altogether, this is probably not the place to hang out.
I'm actually doing better. One step at a time!

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