corneal abrasions


Well-known member
half of my christmas break was stolen by corneal abrasions :[
These are little scratches on the top of your eye, and they make it suuuuper red, itchy, and light sensitive and extremely painful. I'm stuck in glasses for a week and i can only open one eye.



Well-known member
Wow that looks baaad!

Hope you're getting better soon!

Do you know how you got it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamDazzled
aaahh! that sucks!!

those pics made MY eyes water lol

get betta sooooon!!

thanks!! Yeah its definitely not the best my eyes have looked haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VuittonVictim
Wow that looks baaad!

Hope you're getting better soon!

Do you know how you got it?

I get them because I keep my contacts in for longer than they should. Its my fault...but it still sucks : /

thanks for your concern!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Ouch! Do you know what caused the problem?

I hope you get well soon

aw thank you! I get them from wearing my contact lenses too long :[ Next week I'm going in to get the day/night contacts so I don't have to worry about this happening anymore...I just can't wait for my eye to heal.


Well-known member
I'm a little relieved to hear it wasn't a glitter accident! The new contacts sound like a good idea so hopefully no more problems! Yay!!!


Well-known member
Aww, I've had that before. It is so annoying because it itches and burns at the same time. I hope you feel better soon.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Viva_la_MAC_Girl
Oh man! You know I have a bad habit of going to sleep with mine..
I hope your eyes recover soon!!!

Woah you should be careful! My eye doc told me that you can go blind from doing that. It was after I told him I sleep in class. . .haha :p Be careful!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aznsmurfy
Woah you should be careful! My eye doc told me that you can go blind from doing that. It was after I told him I sleep in class. . .haha :p Be careful!

yeah mine told me that too. I guess its ulcers on the eye...;aslkdfj;lasdf. Im soooo glad I don't have those.


Well-known member
holy crap! i hope it gets better. this girl in my class keeps her contacts in all the time she says she never takes them out becuz she 'likes the color it makes her eyes look' but i've never seen her eye look like that.

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