Cosmetic Counter Interview At Macys


Well-known member
Well when I went in for an interview it lasted more along the lines of maybe 30 min. and to be honest they ask you the same questions over and over just worded differently...basically be prepared for 'What can you bring to this counter?'/'How will you pull in sales?' and 'What are your strengths/weaknesses?' re-worded over and over best advice is be confident...don't say 'umm' too much or think for long periods of time. Whenever I see other people doing this in a group interview it looks unprofessional and makes the person look insecure...just go with the flow, and smile a lot! Good luck!


Well-known member
Hey everyone. I too just got an interview at the cosmetic counter at Macys (dont know which one) for next week, and I would love to know what goes on during their interviews. The questions they ask, and some of your responses. Im also very bad at interviews and tend to blank out so I want to prepare as best as I can. So anyone that has had interviews at department store cosmetic counters such as Macys, Bloomingdales, or any other store, please help me! I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
Good luck on that, be confident and feel beautiful inside and out, you can get the job there. Just keep in mind how much you want it, and remember how much u love Make Up then from there you should be fine, good luck sweetie...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TionneLinder
Good luck on that, be confident and feel beautiful inside and out, you can get the job there. Just keep in mind how much you want it, and remember how much u love Make Up then from there you should be fine, good luck sweetie...



Well-known member
MAC interview pt.2 demo.

long story short
i had an interview with the manager at MAC
i totally thought i bombed because i was studdering and just insanely nervous... really embarrassing!

but the manager was super nice to me the whole time and told me she remembers me from coming in all the time (which is weird because i havent bought anything there in forever... i usually go to the mac store in downtown SD)

anyway so i didnt get a call for like 2 weeks so i figured yeah i didnt get it obviously and besides i called like 2 days after the interview and left a voicemail but it was like the whole entire MAC companies line and you enter the ext. and all that so i kinda figured maybe she didnt even bother to check it because im sure most dont...

so this morning i get a call from the manager and she tells me they arent going to hire for the position because it was only a temp position and by the time everything was set up it would have been half way threw december and at the end of december is when the position was over so i was kinda bummed... but then she said that she sent in all my information and all that stuff to... (i forgot who) so i can become a freelance make up artist and she said thats how her assistant manager started! so yeah she told me theres going to be a part 2 of the interview were i just do the make up on a model and that i should be getting a call within the week giving me the details and if i dont i need to call her so she can figure it all out because where the actual demo make up part takes place isnt at the counter she manages

so yeah.... i got a make up demo!!!!
i feel pretty confident because i know im good at make up... talking in interviews... NOT SO MUCH haha but

wish me luck guys
and is there anything i should be sure to know?
anything i shouldnt or should do?
any words of wisdom!?


Well-known member
Re: MAC interview pt.2 demo.

That's not fair! They told me the same thing about December because I'll have to finish school before I could work, and so even though she wanted to, she didn't set me up for a demo because she didn't want to "set me up for failure" because she knew they couldn't hire me at that time.

Anyway, congrats and good luck, girl! All I know is make sure you explain everything your doing as if you were trying to sell the products


Well-known member
Re: MAC interview pt.2 demo.

Originally Posted by ashleyisawesome
That's not fair! They told me the same thing about December because I'll have to finish school before I could work, and so even though she wanted to, she didn't set me up for a demo because she didn't want to "set me up for failure" because she knew they couldn't hire me at that time.

Anyway, congrats and good luck, girl! All I know is make sure you explain everything your doing as if you were trying to sell the products

well what happened was she WAS hiring for the temp position
i interviewed for it and she also mentioned to me if i would be interested in freelancing because thats a good way to get hired perm.
then like 2 weeks later (today) she called and told me shes not gonna hire for that temp position anymore but she wanted me to have a part 2 interview so i can be a freelancer!


Well-known member
Re: MAC interview pt.2 demo.

Originally Posted by ashleyisawesome
^Yeah, they were hiring holiday freelance. Oh well...
I'd be so excited!

im excited... nervous but excited
the temp position wasnt for freelance it was gonna be a full time artist position.... i think if i get the freelance position that it will be better for me to learn ya know? going to different counters all over and learning from other artists all over the place... definitely excited!!!

you should go apply to be freelance after you finish school... seems like something you really want