Costumes have changed, since I was a kid.


Well-known member
You can never be too old or too responsible! Every day should be halloween IMO - people would be a lot happier.


Well-known member
How is that an Anorexia costume? Its a skeleton - no one who saw it without being told would guess anything bar skeleton. Distasteful though, and the model had to have a busty fake rack didnt she?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wolfsong
How is that an Anorexia costume? Its a skeleton - no one who saw it without being told would guess anything bar skeleton.

You must not have noticed whole tape measuring belt thing...

Truth be told, I didn't notice either until I read the name of the costume, then everything added up.


Well-known member
That costume, and a lot of others now, are just an excuse for someone who wouldn't normally do it to cram into a tight dress and push their tits out.

Halloween costumes then:


Halloween costumes now:

Slutty Nurse
Slutty Witch
Slutty Pirate

Oh well. It doesn't bother me, per se. People should do what makes them happy. I think it is just the fact that it pushes women more into the porn star, media-created image that they are expected to embody (starting at an earlier age each year) that I have an issue with.


Well-known member
Halloween is an excuse for girls to dress slutty and not be judged.

I just dropped a freaking hundred dollars on costumes for my kids. I'm aggravated


Well-known member
lol yes it does. The daughter is a punk rock kitty.
She's wearing a cat costume and fishnets with her black boots and she's got ears and a tail and all.
She has to wear shorts under the skirt...I won't compromise.


Well-known member
Thats sweet - i have a thing about dressing up as a cat (i get my face painted at zoos as white tigers, i dont care if i look like a child!). Good on you about the shorts - i still cant believe they sell thongs/g-strings to young (7ish) children in some big shops in England. The level of sexual content and nudity that children are exposed to sickens me sometimes - no wonder children of 11 are having babies. Quite off topic!


Well-known member
The teenage girl costumes at Party City pissed me off. I tried to convince my daughter to be a Nun. She flatly refused. She's 11 and she's too tall for 'little girl' costumes, but definitely not the build of the girls modeling the costumes.
We compromised on a costume that didn't show her stomach.
Thing is I'm a very liberal parent as far as a LOT of things go, but even I became irritated at how the costumes were so revealing.