Counterfeit Lipgelees and Pro-Preferred Foundation from Singapore on eBay


Well-known member
Seller: fin1308
Seller location: Singapore
Site: eBay
Store: Only M·A·C items - All health & beauty - All items

Items identified as counterfeit:
The printing on the foundation box is incorrect. Pro-Preferred White is a very commonly counterfeited foundation.

The LipGelees all have numbers for shades.

Concrete eye shadow from same vendor is possibly authentic but this cannot be confirmed with the details available.

Items reported to eBay as counterfeit 18 Jul 2006​



Well-known member
They do look real but I think there are enough grounds to declare them definitely fake! As time goes by I'm sure the fakes will get even better making things much harder for us


Well-known member
I would stay away from buying items from Singapore and Hong Kong sellers unless they are selling postcards I know that are exclusive to their country. Either I do that, or I ask them for up close pictures of the items if it's an item I'm very interested in. If they simply can't take the pictures, I wouldn't even buy it. I would also post it up here on Specktra and ask for everyone's opinion whether if the item is fake or not. That's only if an item is really hard to tell if it's a counterfeit.


Hi I am new to theses threads

Hello, I am new on these threads and i wanted to register here as i am quite concernd about MAC pigment fakes. I recently made a purchase and the pigment i received was quite clearly a fake. I sell MAC samples on ebay and have been doing so for just over a year now and i have a good reputation and i have a high volume of great customers, however i am very worried about these fakes as the odd time i run out of a colour and i can not get them direct from MAC, I buy the odd pigment from ebay and for the first time i have stumbled across a seller with good feedback selling fakes. All girl pigment was discontinued some time ago and all of a sudden there are loads on sale on ebay. This is the first time i have ever realised how bad these fakes are becoming and i dont think that the majority of people will be able to spot a fake unless they work with them on a regular basis, as the fake jars are very similar and the pigment only slightly out with regards to colour.

With regards to the fake pigment seller, she is implying that she got them in tose condition from her supplier. Obviously she does not want to take any responsibility for this, I am hoping for a full refund and to return the pigments imediately and never to go to her again.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this matter, Please feel free to drop me a line at [email protected]

Regards Lauren.


Im sure you are doing this with all the best intentions, but it is illegal. Ebay strictly prohibits anyone from posting any details of thier sellers or buyers on an external website. This includes ebay nicknames locations or item descriptions. Theres no point in argueing this, check the ebay rules and terms of contract. Not only can ebay take out proceedings against people who do this, but the individual ebay members can request your personal information, cliaming slander, defarmation of character ect, in order to take out legal proceedings. Im speaking as an outsider. I want to protect consumers from counterfeit goods aswell, but this is definately not the right or safe way to go about it. Please take my comments on board.
Lady Bunny


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ladybunnyuk
Im sure you are doing this with all the best intentions, but it is illegal. Ebay strictly prohibits anyone from posting any details of thier sellers or buyers on an external website.

I think you need to understand the difference between "illegal" and "against the rules".

It may be against the rules to discuss eBay members on an external forum but it is most definitely not against the law. It IS against the law to sell counterfeit products in the UK - it's a breach of criminal law. It is also not slander or libel to point out that someone is selling counterfeit products if that accusation is true.

If eBay took its responsibilities seriously it would take action when items were reported to it as counterfeit but it doesn't. It would be very easy in court to argue that as eBay has repeatedly failed to act on reports of counterfeit goods, then naming the criminals who are selling potentially dangerous goods is entirely justified on grounds of public safety.

A quick look through the entire listing of 2342 products matching the search term MAC in the "Health and Beauty" section of eBay on 15th October showed that at least 678 were counterfeit or breached M·A·C's trademark. That's nearly 30%. If eBay won't do anything to stop this then someone else needs to.


A lot of good info here thanx. I have only ever bought MAC products from US and UK sellers. The counterfeit items unfortunately were all bought from eBay sellers based in UK. Recently I bought 2 jars of fake MAC pigments from a seller who lives in the Midlands.
Interestingly the seller insists that her pigments are not fake and she bought her pigments from MAC's website.
I'm feeling quite sad about this and as now MAC has got a UK website so I'm going to buy direct from MAC and stay off eBay for a while.

People talked about buying from trusted eBay sellers - my experience though is that I have bought fake pigments alongside real pigments from the same seller!
So no seller apart from MAC can really be fully trusted.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ladybunnyuk
Im sure you are doing this with all the best intentions, but it is illegal. Ebay strictly prohibits anyone from posting any details of thier sellers or buyers on an external website. This includes ebay nicknames locations or item descriptions. Theres no point in argueing this, check the ebay rules and terms of contract. Not only can ebay take out proceedings against people who do this, but the individual ebay members can request your personal information, cliaming slander, defarmation of character ect, in order to take out legal proceedings. Im speaking as an outsider. I want to protect consumers from counterfeit goods aswell, but this is definately not the right or safe way to go about it. Please take my comments on board.
Lady Bunny

LB: Just so you know, this is also a health and safety issue. MAC tests its products extensively and are in line with all FDA and Health Canada specifications. Counterfiet MAC? Who KNOWS whats in it? There could be lead, arsenic...who knows - and the demand from MAC collectors is high. As a company, MAC has to have a legal position that unless you purchase the item from a MAC counter or, it's not recognized as being an authentic MAC product...
But I'm sure you've seen how people want either a deal or something from a limited collection.
I agree, that Ebay needs to be more responsible... but they don't seem to care. Specktra does!
Ebay's rules are concerned with protecting their trademark, not counterfeiting. That falls under international law and criminal laws in most countries.


Well-known member
I can confirm that some counterfeit M·A·C products bought on eBay which have been laboratory tested have been found to be unsafe and in breach of US and European cosmetics safety legislation.


Well-known member
Concerning pro-preferred...

I've never heard of this line before and have done some searching which yielded a few results. I understand the line's been discontinued but have only seen reference to two products, the toner and foundation. As there's only one picture of the foundation (in this thread), I'd like to check if this is real or fake. It's being sold from a reputable seller but I'd like to be on the safe side, as don't know much about this product.

Oh, and if it's a crap product, can you please pm me about it (so we don't clog this thread)?

Thanks for any and all help!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
I can confirm that some counterfeit M·A·C products bought on eBay which have been laboratory tested have been found to be unsafe and in breach of US and European cosmetics safety legislation.

one of the many reasons why i don't buy makeup off of ebay. ew. :| but that lipgelee is pretty convincing..


Well-known member
yeah that's why i don't ever buy mac make up from ebay or other auction sites for that matter. I prefer to buy mine through cosmetic forums/boards as the sellers are very reliable.


Well-known member
Re: Concerning pro-preferred...

Originally Posted by BlahWah
II'd like to check if this is real or fake. It's being sold from a reputable seller but I'd like to be on the safe side, as don't know much about this product.

This is genuine but it's a discontinued range. The defining feature of Pro Preferred White products is that they contain natural skin whitening ingredients. They were mostly available in Asian markets. They are not what happened to Michael Jackson!


Well-known member
Re: Concerning pro-preferred...

Originally Posted by caffn8me
This is genuine but it's a discontinued range. The defining feature of Pro Preferred White products is that they contain natural skin whitening ingredients. They were mostly available in Asian markets. They are not what happened to Michael Jackson!

*lol* I hope not! Thanks for the info!