Counterfeit MSFs?


Well-known member
Hi! I'm wondering if anyone has had any run-ins with counterfeit MSFs? I got mine from a swap today and the label? not sure what it's called, is A58, which, as far as I know, means that it was created in May of 2008. But I thought Petticoat was discontinued in 2005... Help! Any insight etc. would be very appreciated.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
petticoat wasn't discontinued. it was LE. it came back last year as LE as well.

Oh thank you so much! I adore the swapper and didn't know it had come back so I was so confused!! Do you know if any other MSFs came back as LE in 2008? Thanks again!


Well-known member
so ceylon was LE last year as well. we still have some at my counter. gold deposit also came back but is semi-permanent, until they switch em out in the next rotation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
so ceylon was LE last year as well. we still have some at my counter. gold deposit also came back but is semi-permanent, until they switch em out in the next rotation.

Awesome, thank you so much for the info, I really appreciate it!