Crack Cocaine - The New Cheerios


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Missouri Police Arrest Teen Mom After Her Kids Eat Cocaine - Police Link



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Why, why, WHY do some people have children? And multiples of them? And she is 17? With three kids?



Well-known member
I honestly think people should have to get licenece to have children... cause some obviously should not have them.

thats so horrible


Well-known member
I don't care that she's 17 and has kids- her business.
I don't care that she does crack- if she wants to be a crackhead, her business.
I don't think isolated cases like this are reason to make people need licenses to have kids- that's like saying we need to teach abstinence-only and then kids won't have sex. And we've seen how well that works.

But I do wonder why nobody around her smacked her upside the head for using crack when she's got kids and leaving it available to them and most of all for selling drugs, especially when you've got kids. Life is hard, even more so when you're in poverty, but it's still not an excuse to become a dealer, I don't care what the reasoning is.

She chose to have kids and keep them, she needs to step up and take proper care of them. Waiting until your baby has a damn seizure from your coke before you seek care isn't okay, it's not normal parent behavior, it's not excusable under any circumstances.

People like her make me so angry; anyone who lets a child get hurt because of irresponsibility, carelessness, stupidity, etc. are the lowest of low.


Well-known member
I don't agree with the philosophy of everything is not our business.

Her children are our business. They are suffering. That does become our business. Who will take care of them? -

Where did she get the drugs in her community?

What will be the consequences of her children growing up in a home with a drug abuser?

What environment was the mother raised in?

She has been arrested. Who is paying for that?

This is affecting us. No man, woman or child is an island. We are all affected directly or indirectly by this.


Well-known member
Crazy, dumb, ignorant bitch. She should not be allowed to keep those children. They need to be in a home where they can be well taken care of and looked after. And this bitch needs to be in JAIL. HOW the HELL are you going to refuse to take your child to the hospital after they ingested COCAINE!? How much sense does that make? Did she want to wait until he was half way dieing before she took that child to the hospital? How much sense does it make to leave your children in a home where they have this type of shit easily available to them? She should be in jail and so should whom ever she left her children with. Apparently they weren't watching them very closely, so they should be charged with child endangerment as well. No child should have to live like that. Ever. Period.


Well-known member
Stuff like this makes me sick. You have to pass all these tests for jobs and to do other things, but one of the most important things you can do in your life ( being a parent) you just have to fuck someone. It makes me so mad.


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Originally Posted by Pushpa
wow this is horrible

i swear our world is just getting shittier and shittier

I don't think people are getting worse, I just think we don't hear about the good things that happen anymore. The single mom who works 60 hours a week with 3 kids who aren't on drugs/go to school and earn good grades just doesn't sell as well as the 17 year old selling crack whose baby ends up eating it, unfortunately.


Well-known member
Well that's the point of the news: if it bleeds it leads.

However, dizzy, I have to disagree with this statement:

I don't think isolated cases like this are reason to make people need licenses to have kids- that's like saying we need to teach abstinence-only and then kids won't have sex. And we've seen how well that works.

Though I'm not necessarily in favor of regulating procreation, there are far too many dumbasses popping babies out and "raising" them.

I once had a hope for education, that if you educate people that sex isn't wrong when it's responsible, but far too many ignorant people aren't listening and want to continue to be ignorant, and they choose to pass that on to their offspring.

Children are acting up worse than ever, why? Because of irresponsible parents who don't instill their kids with a sense of decency. These kids who ingested the crack, who knows what other horrors they've had to endure before something this radical happened? I'm sure they've seen their fair share of BS, just as so many other children who are in similar situations have.

Excuse the off the hip rant, as disjointed as it seems, but I'm just over stupid people being allowed to mess up people who don't have a choice.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
Though I'm not necessarily in favor of regulating procreation, there are far too many dumbasses popping babies out and "raising" them.

I once had a hope for education, that if you educate people that sex isn't wrong when it's responsible, but far too many ignorant people aren't listening and want to continue to be ignorant, and they choose to pass that on to their offspring.

Children are acting up worse than ever, why? Because of irresponsible parents who don't instill their kids with a sense of decency. These kids who ingested the crack, who knows what other horrors they've had to endure before something this radical happened? I'm sure they've seen their fair share of BS, just as so many other children who are in similar situations have.

Excuse the off the hip rant, as disjointed as it seems, but I'm just over stupid people being allowed to mess up people who don't have a choice.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not in favor of excusing stupid behavior.

But my problem is that should we 'license' people, what happens to the people who have sex anyway and end up with a kid? Have them left in orphanages a la China with their baby girls? Or in a trash bag like we hear all too often? Or worse?

I can't bring myself to punish kids for adults' choices. These kids didn't ask for a crackheaded mother, but short of social services taking them, I don't know how to fix it. It's very much a catch-22.

I'd love harsher penalties for people like her, but everyone knows that won't happen. Our prisons are already overcrowded with people just like her and worse, and instead of actually making it a place where they'd rather not return to, they have way more privileges that I have or ever had, for that matter.

But then again, what happens to the kids when we put them in the foster system? They still have a good possibility of ending up the same way. Not all kids, unfortunately, have family that's willing or able to take them in, and our foster system is definitely broken (like everything else, it seems).

But you're right- this is a case of bad parenting. I never ever thought the day would come that I'd thank my parents for slapping me upside the head when I was doing something wrong, but I have. I just wish there were more parents like mine who realized that bad behavior isn't cute, it isn't okay because they're young, and junior isn't getting in trouble because 'everyone is out to get him'.

The question here is where is the happy medium- what will prevent situations like this to protect kids from incapable parents yet still allow the provisions of freedom we're guaranteed?

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