CrackerJack License


Well-known member
NO one must have got the memo here in Milwaukee. Didn't they know the road belongs to me and I amkind enough to let them drive on it? So why do they keep doing things that annoys me the most?

1. not use turn signals, seriously how lazy are you? It's a quick flick of the wrist.

2. tailgate. I only do anal in my anus not my muffler.

3. Attempt to pass me on my right at a red light when I am not turning left. If my son is not in my car, you will NOT beat me.

4. not using signals, needed to be mentioned again.

5. Huge decals on your back window advertising your last name. ooookay?

6. Parking your car and blocking the little sidewalk that leads out to the street. I shoveled that for a reason and that would be because I like to not climb through snowbanks to get to my car.

7. People on the side of me who maintain the exact same speed as me. Just a personal annoyance

8. Braking to turn first and THEN turning your signal on. If you use your signal first, this gives the idea that you are soon going to start breaking and I can prepare myself.

9. Skippers at 4 way stops.

10. Drivers who flip other drivers off. It just LOOKS stupid and is stupid.

ahhhhhhhh. thanks for listening


Well-known member
OH man. I HATE when people don't signal! It pisses me off. Some jackass the other day cut right in front of me and of course didn't use their signal, so I had no clue they were gonna cut me off then he flipped me off! I was like whatever dude you're the idiot.

But as for the rest of your list, I couldn't agree with you more.


Well-known member
Okay I love the WHOLE list!
Exactly what I think.

Nearly had something more than an annoyance with #7. Coming back from a day trip to the US an old guy on the interstate pulled to pass, then must have forgotten we were beside him (had cruise on so its not like we were fluctuating speeds or playing games) and then started to swerve into our lane. My friend was driving, I quickly alerted her to this a** and she swerved before we got hit. Then this old dude took off like a shot (something he didn't do to pass)--must have been worried if a car of 20-somethings got to him. Now I can laugh at it but at that point the adrenaline was sure pumping.

I have to admit I've done #10 before, even if I do look stupid. But I've been trying to refrain!


Well-known member
Love the list! Here's a few more to add:
1. The light turns green, and the driver in the very front of the line is sleeping, and makes everyone miss the light

2. Speed limit is 45 or 55, yet you feel going 20 should suffice.

3. You miss your turn, so instead of going to the next street to turn around zip across traffic cutting people off, or decide to make your turn in the middle of the street. What a bright idea!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
You miss your turn, so instead of going to the next street to turn around zip across traffic cutting people off, or decide to make your turn in the middle of the street. What a bright idea!



Well-known member
1. People that think parking lots are a racetrack. You are not Richard Petty, thanks for playing, try again later.

2. People that block your vision at an need to look to see if any traffic is coming and their big a$$ car/suv/truck is in the middle of the street...and they are (surprise!) on the phone.

3. You are at a SAFE distance to pull out and a car speeds up towards you..because they are the only person that matters and how dare you pull out in front of them. They are BAMFs and you should be impressed.

4. People that get on the freeway and go 35mph in the acceleration lane.