Cream Colour bases are melting!


Well-known member
We have some warm days here - not too hot - but my Cream Colour bases have started to "melt" in their boxes!

Should I lay them into my fridge? TIA.


Well-known member
I would definantly give that a try. I would just be worried that the texture might change once transfered to the fridge. Hopefully it will keep the same consistancy, color, etc.


Well-known member
My cream color base would "sweat" when it got too hot. But I actually liked it cause it was easier to put on. When it was winter, it was very stiff and I held it close to hot water to warm it up. Maybe put it in the shade somewhere?


Well-known member
I would say take them off of their sides and lay them down flat.. in a closet or some place cool but room temp. and let them settle them selfs, there are a few cases out there that are good for being good in the heat as well.