creasing eyeshadow

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Around mid-day my MAC shadows start to get all yucky and it "creases". Is there any way to prevent this? I go to school so can't be reapplying it several times a day.


Well-known member
have you tried using urban decay primer potion as a base? that helps a lot! my es always used to crease but when i found this i got amazing results! I have to put it on everytime i wear eye make up.


Well-known member
You can also try using a MAC Paint as a base. I just use Bare Canvas for everyday stuff (it's the same colour as my skin so I can use it for everything), but you can even put a colour similar to the eyeshadow you want to wear underneath it to make your colours even brighter. Paint Pots and Shadesticks work as well, but I find the Paints last the longest. A tube of Paint also lasts me about eight months too, you really don't need very much for both eyes.


Well-known member
I agree. A good base makes a huge difference


Well-known member
Ive used a primer..and ive used mac paints as a base and i like my primer better then the mac paints for staying on.. i have the same problem as you do!


Well-known member
I haven't tried it, but I've heard that people sometimes use Urban Decay Primer Potion and then MAC paints on top and it makes it stay really long and blends well. Im about to buy paint in bare canvas.
But I do really love UDPP. I've used it under Revlon cream eyeshadow (which crease like CRRAAAAAAAAZY!!!!) and it not only stayed on all night, it looked damn good!
Good luck finding something that works.


Well-known member
I just got Painterly and I love it. I was having some creasing problems, and now no creases and the shadows show up much darker/brighter/whatever which means I don't have to layer on as much.
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