Crime and Punishment: Is this cruel and unusual?


Well-known member
The backstory is in the article, but a person on another board was on the investigating team with the FBI and this is what he said:

There is a special place in Hell reserved for this guy. Several years ago when I worked in law enforcement, I worked with one of the FBI investigators who worked this case. The details are about as gruesome as you can imagine. 10 year old girl stumbles upon a Meth making operation. Tattoo boy and his meth addled brain decides he needs some 10 year old girl[sic]. Proceeds to brutally rape and torture this child for several hours (both vaginal and anal tearing, etc.). He then hog-ties her and dumps her, still alive, in a shallow creek. Cause of death: drowning.

The over/under on this guy getting shanked is one year, but we Hoosiers are hoping for a steady diet of brutal torture for the next fifty or so years.

There's the image of what they did to him.


Well-known member
I'm on the fence on this one.Most of me is saying "Haha sucker... sucks for you but you deserved it" another (but smaller) part says "Well If it was done by officials that was very unprofessional ,and should probably lose their jobs...On the OTHER other hand.. If it were done by other inmates its nothing new. people are raped killed etc in prison daily, and usually the child murderers and rapists, molesters etc get it the worst because inmates who have children are like "You son of a bitch..."


Well-known member
I'd give a rat's patootie about that guy, maybe, if he hadn't brutalized and killed a child. The minute he commited that crime, he ceased to deserve my sympathy.


Well-known member
Supposedly, one of the girl's relatives is in the pen where he's at, and the inmates there did it.


Well-known member's "vigilante style" justice....(notice key word in that sentence being "justice")....but I can't say the bastard didn't get what he deserved.

Thanks for this article, Shimmer....verrrry interesting


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
I'd give a rat's patootie about that guy, maybe, if he hadn't brutalized and killed a child. The minute he commited that crime, he ceased to deserve my sympathy.

i agree with this completely


Well-known member
I believe this should be a state/federally sanctioned form of punishment, particularly for offenders who leave such a stain on the lives of their victims.

The offender gets to go to jail, and probably get out in 7-10 years, depending on the severity of his or her crime. But s/he doesn't have that daily reminder of his/her actions.
Not good enough.
Tattoo the crime across the forehead, let EVERYONE know "Child molester. AOV: 3 years. Rape and sodomy."

To hell with them. I don't believe in offenders' rights.


Well-known member
he deserves worse and more... People that hurt or abuse kids deserve no sympathy in my book, even those who say "god told them to" you might be insame but your still a murderer/whatever else...

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It probably falls under cruel and unusual, but I don't have a major problem with a crime that heinous delivering that kind of punishment. I don't like the idea of tattooing the crime for every criminal, of course, but it seems like a good idea.

Sometimes I wonder if those individuals feel any remorse, beyond getting caught and punished. I like the idea of being able to identify a criminal quickly.


Well-known member
The thing is, you can't really call this cruel and unusual punishment in the sense that we talk about cruel and unusual punishment being prohibited by the Constitution. The Constitution makes it illegal for the GOVT to perfom cruel and unusual punishment. If other inmates did this to him, its not a government action and while it might be "cruel and unusual" it isn't in the frame of reference that the Constitution refers to, KWIM?


Well-known member
I know exactly what you mean.

But would it be cruel and unusual if the state / federal prison system did it?

Another Janice!

Well-known member
I think its beautiful!!!

But would it be cruel and unusual if the state / federal prison system did it?

That's just it. I think that those prisoners can do more justice than the law. Most of them have nothing more to lose. They are already doing life. So, what's another assault charge to them? Nothing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I know exactly what you mean.

But would it be cruel and unusual if the state / federal prison system did it?

Ahh, gotcha. You weren't asking if *this* was cruel and unusual but whether or not implementing this as a gov't action would be. We were talking in the same manner really, I was just getting nit-picky.

Umm, personally, I think people who abuse small children and rape and murder should be shot in the back of the head. So, no, it wouldn't bother me in the least if we tattooed crime info like you suggested on predators who are roaming the streets. Nor would I cry if someone saw said tattoo and killed the person. Call me callous, but I have no feelings of charity towards violent criminals. To me, when you violate someone so brutally, you don't deserve the same rights as the rest of us who somehow manage the enormous task (please note the sarcasm there) of getting through our days without raping, murdering or abusing our fellow humans.


Well-known member
I totally agree.
There is no 'mistake' when it comes to raping a ten year old to the point of tearing her insides, then hogtying her and dumping her in a creek. It is simply NOT something does by accident.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I totally agree.
There is no 'mistake' when it comes to raping a ten year old to the point of tearing her insides, then hogtying her and dumping her in a creek. It is simply NOT something does by accident.

You have hit upon on of my biggest pet peeves. I get SO tired of hearing the bleeding hearts saying that violent criminals have simply made a "mistake" and deserve mercy or leniency.

Guess what? Adding 2 and 3 and getting 6 is a mistake. Murdering a small child after violating them repeatedly isn't a mistake, its something the person SET OUT TO DO! You don't accidentally sexually assault someone. INTENT is there. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Just because you commit a crime and its wrong, doesn't mean its a "mistake" since you set out to commit it. And please, who in this day and age doesn't know that its against the law to do things like this? Not to even mention morally bankrupt.

Sorry, this gets me so freaking angry. Every single time I see that an already convicted predator claims another victim I wonder why we can't get them off the streets.


Well-known member
But there's always the insanity defense. Which pisses me off even more. If you 'lost it' once to the point of commiting such an act, who's to say you won't 'lose it' like that again????


Well-known member
Totally. And I think that there are people who are mentally ill who commit crimes. And we fail them miserably because they tend to be people who have demonstrated their mental illness before, if they aren't already being treated for it. People who are schizophrenic for example, are people who are sick and need help. And unfortunately, we don't have a good system to deal with the mentally ill.

BUT it seems like a lot of violent criminals these days are just a-holes. Almost always they do something that indicates that they KNOW they did something wrong which negates the insanity plea. Running from the crime scene, destroying evidence, killing the victim in a sexual assault. All indicators that the perp KNEW they were doing something wrong. All the more reason to send them to jail for the rest of their natural lives.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I have no sympathy for this piece of waste of space on this earth.

All people who molest children should be branded/tattooed for life.


Well-known member
He got what he deserved. I just wish every child rapist got tattooed with his crime right on his forehead. It is disgusting what some people do to little children. It is not an "accident" or "mistake." They knew just what they were doing and NO child deserves that. I am a big believer in no rights for criminals.. you break the law, you don't get its protection.


Well-known member
As an emotional person and an average civilian, I could give a shit about this guy. I'm glad it happened to him, in fact. As a person who believes in good government, however, I hope this wasn't a state-sanctioned punishment.