Daily Rave


Well-known member
I tried searching for a similar thread...but i couldn't find one. This thread is meant for all girls to share the good things that happened to them for the day..

My rave for the day...

A sweet girl agreed to sell me her BNIB Stereo Rose (backup) for US$34.... i didn't mind paying above retail as i was desperately lookin for it. I'm goin to transfer the $$$$$$$ to her tomorrow....I pray everything goes smooth.


Well-known member
My rave for today:

No work! Ice on the roads. I get to work on Specktra and clean my house all day, hooray! It's about time, and it only took an ice storm.


Well-known member
Today's rave:
The boss said very nice things about my coworkers and I during a board meeting, and I got a raise too (thought I am going to be good and not spend it on MAC)!


Well-known member
I'm with Janice as I live in Austin... and I get a double goody... the first day of class was cancelled and no work! Yay!


Well-known member
I received a "To My Daughter" Hallmark card in the mail today from my dad. Totally made my day and warmed my heart. He lives in AZ, I live in TN...I miss him!! It was a nice surprise! He'll do things like that from time to time, just to let me know he loves me and he's thinking of me.


Well-known member
Makeupnewbie that is some rave, I want stereo rose so badly but I always see it for $75 to $80 on e-bay

My rave for today is that I got my Sprout e/s in the mail that I bought off of e-bay for $9.47! :dance:


Well-known member
my whole day today was great!
i did some amazing make up job for a photoshoot today and i got so many compliments! i was so proud of myself! i did some really artistic and complicated things, 5 different tipes of maskes using some unusual metirials. i can't wait to get the pictures!
and afterwards i went to yoga class, wich is my weekly fun!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shlomit_mp
my whole day today was great!
i did some amazing make up job for a photoshoot today and i got so many compliments! i was so proud of myself! i did some really artistic and complicated things, 5 different tipes of maskes using some unusual metirials. ...

Sounds interesting. Well done. Make sure to show us pics in the Say Cheese section!


Well-known member
hmmm ok so here's my raves for today ...

1. i got paid! yay for getting paid cash under the table lol

2. i'm officially going back to palestine this summer for about 3-4 weeks! yay!!!!! every year something happens but this year me n my cousin are on board so we're searching for our plane tickets right now. and we're totally buying first class all the way lol. annnd since we can't enter through tel aviv (last time they kept us for 7 hours) we're going through amman, jordan so i get to stop off and party for a few days before. so double yay!


Well-known member
My Rave:

I started my Criminal Justice classes today, and for the first time in the 4 years I've been going to college, I finally feel like I'm in the right place.


Well-known member
I had something very exciting happen to me today! I graduated college in May and I've been applying for pretty much any and every job I can find with no luck. I haven't even gotten a call back from ANYONE - until today! I got my first call back for a preliminary chat and she's going to call back tomorrow to schedule an interview! Hopefully I'll be the newest Assistant HR Generalist for a local technologies company!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
A young William Shatner Shirtless.



oh yeah and money and um yeah beer?

Oh, the Shats. I shouted KHAAAAAAAN at him once, and he shouted it right back at me. Best day ever!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Sounds interesting. Well done. Make sure to show us pics in the Say Cheese section!

ofcourse i will!!!! the minute i'll get them!


Well-known member
Today's rave: I just confirmed my purchase of a BNIB stereo rose from the girl. She said she'll be sending it out on monday by registered post. can't wait for it to arrive...

and my mum gave me a mini cabinet to put my beloved make up...happy!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Oh, the Shats. I shouted KHAAAAAAAN at him once, and he shouted it right back at me. Best day ever!


He's so F'in funny! At first I thought he was a pompous @$$ but then I realized-my god he's just being sarcastic and then I just realized I think I love him. LOL

A friend of mine has met him many times- and she has said that he is very deaf so people think he's very arrogant when he really just cannot hear anything (It was an explosion on set he is deaf in one ear, and Leonard Nimoy is deaf in another ear). So - It is probably a good thing you shouted it at him, because I am not sure he would've heard you otherwise


Well-known member
Two Raves:

Rev. Jesse Jackson came to my school today for a lecture!!! Now how cool is that? His speech was ultra-inspiring. Anthony Rapp (from Rent) is coming in March. Yay!

and now for my other one....

I'm finally getting Metal Rock!!!! Wooo!! It's the only MSF that I truly desire and it's mine...all mine! Bwahahahaha.
