Damaged hair due to bleaching, HELP!


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

So last week I bleached my hair, because I had really dark brown (dyed) hair, and I wanted it to be a light brown with highlights.

So I did the bleaching and coloring myself, I've done the bleaching before and never experienced very much damage.

So now, my hair is veryyy damaged and I feel so desperate
It's dry and breakin off alot!

I already bought hairmasks and a serum, but it doesn't seem to help alot, even if I let the mask soak in an hour or so..

I'm going to the hairdresser (tuesday) to let my hair cut very short (bobline, see other thread) but I'm worried my hair will still look unhealthy! I don't know what to do, please help me out


Well-known member
Re: Damaged hair due to bleaching my hair, HELP!

You should try a Henna and/or Placenta Mask. They're meant to be super at helping dead hair.


Well-known member
First off try to not use anything else damaging on it now. No flat iron, no blow drying, no more dyeing. Use some protein masks and products meant for adding the protein back into the hair. Use grape seed oil or flax seed oil on the hair. Just drench it and let it sit in. I like to put a bad around it and heat it up for 5 minutes then let it cool for 30 and then repeat that.


Well-known member
I agree w/knoxydoll. Use ApHogee's 2-step protein treatment (available at Sally's) and a good deep conditioning treatment w/no silicones, no heat styling, and gentle shampoo. Good luck!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SoSoAmazin
I agree w/knoxydoll. Use ApHogee's 2-step protein treatment (available at Sally's) and a good deep conditioning treatment w/no silicones, no heat styling, and gentle shampoo. Good luck!

Thanks! I only have one problem.. I live in the Netherlands so we don't have Sally's here! But I will search for a good protein treatment over here


Well-known member
I definitely second the protein treatments. And deep condition your hair CONSTANTLY! I mean every day. =P Mix some honey with your deep conditioner and leave it in for an hour or two.


Well-known member
Hey everyone!

So I searched around the web but there are almost no protein masks I can get in Holland. It maybe is a stupid question, but what about making a hairmask with egg? Egg is full of proteins, if I'm right? Please help me out


Well-known member
Ive never heard anything about eggs in the hair. Go to enjoy.com and order yourself some instant reconstructor. When I was in cosmetology school, we did something similar to my hair so we could use a bright red, however we damaged it so much that it wouldnt hold color. I used the reconstructor every day for like 2 wks and my hair was soo much better!!
Of course it cannot in any way repair the damage that is to far gone, like breakage, but after you get your hair cut, it will help to put all of the needed proteins back into your hair. Its made with human hair proteins and the molecules are so small that they can actually penetrate the hair shaft, at the same time as smoothing the ends where most normal breakage occurs.
Go in the shower wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo, put the reconstructor on, and finish up washing your body, shaving, etc. rinse after 5 or so mins....
You will see the difference within a week.



Well-known member
Something that I do when I bleach my hair is that I buy a conditioner that is for chemically processed hair then I add egg (the yolk) this conditions and adds the much needed protein back to your hair, honey this helps ALOT because honey has alot of natural vitamins and minerals that will help promote growth, bring moisture back to your hair and keep the new growth strong and olive oil this helps put back the oils that has been stripped from your hair and mix it and use as a mask for my hair. I then wrap it in plastic wrap and I let the natural heat from my head do is work for about 30 mins. I do this 2 to 3 times a week (you can do it more times if you have the time) for about a month, then once a week until I see my hair improve. I also try to stay away from flat irons, blow dryers, etc. Heat is not your friend when you bleach your hair. If you must use heat on your hair do a roller set and use medium heat on the dryer. It is indirect, evenly distributed heat and is less harsh on your hair.

Hope this helps!


Well-known member
when my hair was damaged from a chemical treatment i used an egg and oil combination and it helped a lot. try one egg (protein) and 1/2 cup of olive oil or grapeseed oil and mix together and leave on your hair for about 30minutes. put a plastic cap on your hair to help penetrate the oil but no heat becuz the egg will cook. poke a hole in the top of the cap to let out the body heat so as not to cook the egg.