danse quad and macys.com


Well-known member
Hey all i was browsing macys.com lookin for the danse quad and found it but it wount let me add it to my basket to order it. It has the quanity box and the add clicker but it just doesnt do it! does anyone know whats up?


Well-known member
Macy's is notorious for having website glitches....It happens all too frequently. Just call the 1-800 number and order it that way because there's no telling how long it'll take them to fix the glitch....For 2 - 3 weeks in December, they added a lot of old eye shadows to their website. You could put a quantity in the box and click "add", but the item would not be added to your shopping cart. I called the 1-800 number about it and they told me they were having problems with the site.

.....So this sounds like the same thing is happening.