Dark Soul pigment - not like the others


Well-known member
I have a sample of Dark Soul pigment and it's really unlike my other pigments.

-All the rest of them stick to the lids of the jars and Dark Soul doesn't, it falls neatly to the bottom

-Dark Soul falls out between the threads of my jar

-it doesn't stick well to my lids no matter the base, the fallout is seriously the stuff of legends... I've never seen anything like it

-it creases on me even with TFSI

Has anyone else noticed the texture of this pigment is weird?


Well-known member
use Fix+ Works like a charm!


Well-known member
I got a sample of this once before too and it was a complete disaster in all ways. I pretty much hated it. I tried UDPP and TFSI with no luck, had more than I needed in the fall out department and it didn't go on smoothly at all. It had this almost chunky texture to it and after about 3x I gave up on it.


Well-known member
i have dark soul and don't find it too bad. i use it either wet on the lid which means no fall out. or if i want it dry then i use a sticky base like a paint pot which it grabs hold of nicely. a little fall out but nothing major.


Well-known member
It is the hardest to work with of all my pigments.
I literally havn't touched it in about 3 years :S

Its on my pigment hate list along with entramauve which I find to be very similar in texture.


Well-known member
I have to tap or blow on my brush to get all the excess product off then i slowly build the color. dark soul is not a fun color to use at all.