Dejarose/Classic Coordinates Review


Well-known member
Just wanted to let you ladies know I was at my MAC Pro store last night and they had both of these collections out.

Dejarose is very nice. Simple, but nice. I really like the lip products they have as part of this collection. 2 of the 3 e/s are a little too pink for my everyday wear. The perfume is nice, too!!

As for classic cordinates, it's OK, but not what I was hoping. The lipsticks for the most part are cool shades, which look awful on me. There is a nice pink frost colour, but it is quite frosty for my liking. The polishes are great, but some are repromos.

Hope this helps!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Winthrop44
Thanks for the info. What was the coral lipstick in Classic Coordinates like?

a def must have for me, its a coral with a softness pinky in it from what iv seen.


Well-known member
Hmmm these two collections don't seem that exciting to me. Right now all I have my eyes on is plum like l/s and maybe lovemate l/s from the coordinates collection.

Thanks for the review


Well-known member
i didn't think these sounded very exciting, but my favorite MA at my freestanding store let me preview them and i'm actually very impressed. the shades of pink and rose were gorgeous, and i love the bright pink eyeshadow coming out with dejarose. it looks like a brighter, more sparkly version of sushi flower. plus, i can B2M the classic coordinate lipsticks