Re: Why can't I attract a guy?
If I could give you only ONE piece of advice, because all these ladies have pointed out great things to at least explore, I would tell you to make it your only goal to make friends with guys. Real guy friends, just the way you would with a girl, any other human being.
I'm not saying that you might date a friend who is a guy, but it will give you more understanding into a guy's mind, it will switch your focus off of dating to getting to know people, and who knows... I've found all my lasting good relationships from just getting to know someone. Sure, they might be some physical attraction, but put that aside and get to know someone on a different level.
Also, from your other post.... maybe the signal you're sending out subconsciously is that you are also just looking for fun right now. If you guys are in a close-knit co-op and guys know you like to make out for fun, coupled with the way you put yourself out there... maybe they're scared to approach you on a different level. Once again, I'm not saying it's wrong to look like a sex-kitten or hook up for fun- not at all. But, I do think you may have to take a new approach to finding a relationship, which is why I suggest just making guy friends for a while.
Also, guy friends can be magnificent sources of telling you who likes you and what upset him, turned him off, scared him, whatever. I love a guy's perspective when it comes to relationships.