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Depotting Fafi quad.


Well-known member
I depotted my fafi quad
YouTube - How To Depot MAC Eyeshadow Quads


Well-known member
Thanx for the tut...but good Lord girl, that knife was huge! Everytime you grabbed it I could hear my mother's voice in my head yelling "BE CAREFULL, CUT AWAY FROM YOUR BODY!!!".


Well-known member
Don't all of the quads already come with magnetized? I know the one i depotted did, but not sure if it is only the ones with the clear top


Well-known member
I did this a while ago because I liked the sticker on the quad but didn't like the colors. I basically did the same thing as you did but I poured the alcohol and just let it sit for a bit. They came out really easily.

Great tutorial! I'd be too scared to make a tut on this cuz I was just playing by ear and didn't want any glaring mistakes on film (like if I chopped my hand off haha)


Originally Posted by trip75
Thanx for the tut...but good Lord girl, that knife was huge! Everytime you grabbed it I could hear my mother's voice in my head yelling "BE CAREFULL, CUT AWAY FROM YOUR BODY!!!".

Haha. Exactly what I was thinking!


Active member
thank you sooo much i'm totally doing this with the other fafi eyes quad!
yayyy. and my old cos teacher who used to work at mac told me it couldnt be done... hahaha