despered... I need your help here!!!


Well-known member
ok I really need your advice here...I'm despered..I just can't see my face full of acne and scars any more...i enjoy doing my make up but .... this it's makes me sad when I see me in day light with my very nice eye shadow application (wich I learned from all you beatiful ladies)... but my horrible skin.... i just don't know what else to do...

I use clinique and e. lauder fondation, I always clean everything, I use the 123 step by clinique, but nothing works...

Please help me ....


Well-known member
Treating the problem should be your main focus. Putting makeup on the affected areas is not going to help and may even worsen the problem. Have you tried getting professional help from a dermatologist? It may be that the particular kind of acne you have doesn't seem to be responding to topical treatments because it's the result of hormonal issues, in which case you might need to go on medication to get rid of it.

If your acne HAS responded to some topical treatments in the past, there are a few general acne treatments that work well. Drinking lots of water is key for good health, as is having a balanced diet. If your hair is oily, keeping it off your face is good (headbands and hair ties). If your skin is dry with acne, dabbing tea tree oil on the problem areas can help heal them. If your skin is oily with acne, dabbing straight apple cider vinegar is a better option. Some people respond well to benzoyl peroxide - when I had acne, it never did much for me besides making my skin flaky and peeling. Aspirin masks are very good at exfoliating and minimizing blemishes, but do a test spot on your arm first to make sure you're not too sensitive. Use a gentle cleanser, like Dove Beauty Bar or Cetaphil or whatever else it is that you've found to work well for you. Taking Biotin supplements (a type of Vit. B) can also have a beneficial effect.

Most importantly, you need to learn not to over-treat it. Often, a medicated cleanser + alcohol toner + moisturizer system is just product overload and can make your skin flare up even more (if you strip it of natural oils, this may kick oil production into overdrive). Less is usually more when it comes to these things.


Well-known member
I agree with the advice to consult a dermatologist. I too had issues with hormonal breakouts, after a trip to the derm and some topical meds I love my skin again.

I also can reccomend finding a gentle facial cleanser / makeup remover like Nutrogena Gentle Foaming Cleanser (drugstore) and washing your face 2x/day (morning & evening) religiously. Drink lots of water, it helps flush toxins and improves the look and feel of your skin.


Well-known member
I suffered with 'severe cystic' acne when I was younger, and both times I tried the Clinique 3-step, it did not help!! The best thing I did for my skin was go on birth control, change my diet, and switch to Lush products. Honestly, if you have severe acne, talk to the derm about birth control. Really, I wish I had started birth control earlier because it gave me clear skin.. but since I waited so long to try it, I have nasty scarring


Well-known member
thank you all you guys...i think that the best I can do is follow your advice and go to see a dermatologist...meanwhile any other good product that you recomend me???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gracetre123
thank you all you guys...i think that the best I can do is follow your advice and go to see a dermatologist...meanwhile any other good product that you recomend me???

do you have cystic acne or just random blemishes? i bought this acne free terminator 10 (with 10% benzoyl peroxide) comes in an orange tube and i got it for like $4.99 @ target. anyway i put it on my problem areas (i tend to get redness from breakouts in my cheeks (more along my nose) and i break out A LOT on my forehead) for a night and the next day there was a huge decrease in redness and the amount of blemishes. the only bad thing is that hte stuff dried my skin out which is why i only use it at night.

i've heard very good things about other acne free products so i would look into those. you could also try proactiv...i suffered from really bad acne for such a long time and proactiv saved my skin. it doesn't work right away though. and also saying that, just because proactiv works for me doesn't necessarily mean that it'll work for you. i've heard plenty of people who have tried proactiv and said that it did nothing for their skin and others said that it cleared up their skin so much. personally if you don't want to spend a large amount of money on proactiv (i believe the 3-step system is like, $50-ish?) i would try acne free.

for spot treatments i use several products
- but if you want something cheap, using a face mask like queen helene's mint julep mask (~$3.99 @ CVS, walgreens...) as a spot treatment (just placing a bit on the blemish and leaving it overnight) really does wonders. using a face mask on your entire face once a week or so is also good for clearing up the skin but i usually don't because most masks (including the mint julep one lol) dry out my face like whoa. you could also use the acne free terminator 10 that i mentioned earlier as a spot treatment...clearsil ultra acne vanishing cream (10% benzoyl peroxide) has also worked for me...if you want something expensive, i also like clinique's acne solutions spot healing gel (salicylic acid), clinique's acne solutions emergency lotion (or something like that, it comes in a small tube and it contains benzoyl peroxide), and i also like the body shop's tea tree oil blemish stick (tea tree oil is supposed to be very good for acne).

i really hope this helps


Well-known member
Thanks for the tips xiahe, my acne is very serius...I will get for sure the acne free terminator that you recommend it me, and the queen helene mask, about proactiv...i don' t know ... it's expensive and maybe don't work for me...but maybe I will try in my desperation...hahaha...

Maybe I should get another foundation, i use clinique and E.L like I said before, but do you know one that dont get you blemishes??

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