Devin's Green FOTD (My attempt anyway)


Well-known member
I've been seeing some beautiful green eye looks (Makeupnewbie & Shopgood). Here's my version! Please try to ignore the hair. I went darker to get rid of some overgrown highlights & now I'm s-t-u-c-k for ideas. You all have great taste: Any suggestions? Haha.

Face (same as usual):
MAC Studio Fix Fluid in NC42
Zhen Loose Powder in Cream
Physician's Formula Shimmer Strips in Vegas
MAC Sheertones Blush in Blunt

MAC Pigments in: Golden Lemon, Emerald Green & Old Gold.
Physician's Formula Shimmer Strips in Vegas (As highlighter)
Physician's Formula Shimmer Strips in Sunset Strip (deep gold color I used over the lighter P.F.S.S in Vegas)
MAC FluidLine in Blacktrack
Rimmel Lycra Lash in Black
Rimmel Black Eyeliner
Rimmel Dark Brown Brow Pencil

L'Oreal H.I.P. Brilliant Shine Lipgloss in Jubilant
Sally Hansen 18 Hour Lip Treatment in Clear Optimistic Opal





Your wonderful comments& feedback are always appreciated!Thanks & I hope allof you have a SUPER day!



Well-known member
I really like the solid dark colour it's very classic and sexy.
I also really like the greens on your skin tone -- fab.
I'm not sure on the yellow-y tone you have on the inner eye. I think it works but in a few of the shots it kind of overwhlems you. So I'm going to blame the lighting.
I looks really good though. Keep these coming you're one of my favourite picture posters.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tightambitionz
love it!! So since we're about the same color, (NC43) can you do my face in the morning as well? lol

You got it, Doll

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