Devious seller of fake MAC !


Well-known member
I have reported this seller again as today ,surprise,suprise she has listed again the fake MAC liquid eyeliner which were previously removed by ebay.
In fact all her MAC,Smashbox,Lancome and Clinique is counterfeited

So today i logged on and she has listed the MAC liquid eyeliner again using photos from MAC actual website !Arghh

Here is her previous auction of the FAKE MAC*using her original piccys

12 M.A.C precision tip eyeliner great quality on eBay, also, Health Beauty, Wholesale Job Lots (end time 09-Jan-09 22:13:03 GMT)


and here is the new auction
12 M.A.C precision tip eyeliner great quality on eBay, also, Health Beauty, Wholesale Job Lots (end time 19-Jan-09 21:53:12 GMT)

Please report it girls,as it seems the more people report the quicker the fakes will off ebay

Thank you,thank you


Well-known member
Hun ,thank you.This is the message i emailed your german seller..well seeing she does displays Union Jack,flag on her auction I thought it's appropiate that I will message her in english...sorry german is non existent

I hope you can understand what my message is about as I do not speak German.These MAC products,you have for sale are fake,counterfeit!
Im very,very,familiar with MAC products,and let me assure you that the ones you have for sale are definately chinese counterfeits,and should not be sold using MAC name ,as that implies that they were made by MAC!Using other company logo when the products have not been made by them is a trademark theft and breach of VERO."
Ok I will email you and let you know if she does reply ....

Take care x


Well-known member
The only problem with reporting the second auction which had the genuine pictures (stolen from M·A·C's website) is that there is nothing in the listing itself which indicates the product is fake. It's just possible that the seller may now be selling genuine eyeliners having been told the previous ones are fake.

OK, I know it's highly unlikely and the auction has now been pulled but the last thing I want to happen is for people to make reports thinking an item is fake simply because the seller has previously sold fake items when there is nothing else to indicate the newer auctions are of fake items.

If there are too many false reports of fakes, eBay won't take member reports as seriously and we'll lose the ability to get anything done.

But, hey, what would I know? I'm only a Womble
(costs a fortune in waxing, you know)


Well-known member
Sarah ,i thought about that as well but this seller is from China ,and i truly doubt that any of her stuff is authentic.
In fact she has used to trade on ebayUK,under her old name knightbidding(same photos,same items for sale etc)but all the stuff came from China,she was finally suspended but her feedback really speaks for itself.Most of it is for selling counterfeited MAC,Smashbox and Lancome makeup products

I would not normally judge any seller just on pure assumptions of a photo,but her items are fake ,the listing of the fake MAC mascara and MAC liquid eyeliner has been pulled by ebay,but she has managed to sell quite a lot before that (all to UK,bidders too)
.I did email the seller mum_zhang2008,and her reply was that the photos are authentic and so is all her MAC products.You cannot educate some people to the dangers of selling this potenially dangerous stuff so ive not even bothered to reply to her

PS.The Lancome juicy tubes "Cherie" she has for sale in 18 shades are counterfeited too!I have actually printed her auction off and took to my local Lancome counter ,where i was told that these were limited edition in 2005 and came only in 7 or 8 shades !She has 18 different shades no proper names only numbers
and these are 100% chinese counterfeits.


Well-known member
The seller may be in China (which should sound alarms for any buyer) but as I said, nothing about the auction itself indicates the product is counterfeit so it's better not to report it because one day some seller will be wrongly accused of selling counterfeit product and they'll kick up a fuss. That wouldn't be good for anyone.

Honest sellers have been caught out by their suppliers in the past. has sold fake M·A·C products believing them to be genuine. To report something as fake we must be absolutely 100% sure the particular auction really is counterfeit. In this case we don't have that level of confidence, we just have strong and well founded suspicions but that's not enough.


Well-known member
The seller can be reported for using photographs which are 'borrowed' from MAC's website, though.