Diet Cola - Bad for you?


Well-known member
lovejam: Same here!! I was starting to think I was all alone. I'm glad to hear that someone out there not only hates the aftertaste of artificial sweeteners, but gets sick from them too. They're really bad for my stomach, plus any amount I consume gives me a headache, for some reason

Hahaha, yes I am glad that I am not the only one too! Nobody that I know understands how it bothers me, I feel so different when I complain and people are like, ya...., lol.
It's really late now, and it just strikes me as funny that we are both excited that the other person has difficulties w/diet stuff, lol! I think I really need to get to bed now, anything would make me laugh at this time


Active member
OK honestly, I am not crazy... I promise! LOL But I haven't touched Diet Coke (or any cola!) since 06/09/06, and my fingernails are growing longer without breaking... which has never happened. I don't understand this, because most of the nail that's there is obviously older than 13 days old. I can't explain it, but my nails seem stronger for whatever reason. :confused:

I'm off Diet Coke! After about two initial days worth of headaches, I'm over it. I'm so proud of me!

Now I must thank wattage - because she seriously made me think about this and that's when I decided to quit. THANK YOU!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Masucci
OK honestly, I am not crazy... I promise! LOL But I haven't touched Diet Coke (or any cola!) since 06/09/06, and my fingernails are growing longer without breaking... which has never happened. I don't understand this, because most of the nail that's there is obviously older than 13 days old. I can't explain it, but my nails seem stronger for whatever reason. :confused:

Originally Posted by Masucci

I'm off Diet Coke! After about two initial days worth of headaches, I'm over it. I'm so proud of me!

Now I must thank wattage - because she seriously made me think about this and that's when I decided to quit. THANK YOU!

So funny, 'cause I was just having this convo. w/ my husband. I was talking about all the whiney bitches I hear all the time that whine "I don't liiiiiikkkke waaaterrrrr....It doesn't taaaast like anything>Insert childish whine here<. I keep trying to tell him that coffee, tea (unless maybe it's Green Tea), soda (of any kind), and even some kinds of juices (those cheap 'juices' that are mostly fructose and crap) DON'T COUNT as daily H2O intake!!!!! WATER....
WA-TER....that's what people need to be drinking! There's a reason our bodies NEED IT. You may substitute some drinks (like light amnts. of Lemonade) for some of the daily intake (which, BTW should be in the range of 8 8oz. glasses per day). People think soda and coffee count as part of the liquid intake, but coffee actually DEHYDRATES the body!!! My husband is the Sous Chef of a busy restuarant, and it gets very HOT in his kitchen during the summer. I'm always reminding him to drink water...He says he drinks Diet Coke...He thought since it's not 'regular' cola, it's OK. I told him it's NOT. Although there's debates about Diet drinks (weather or not they're harmful in the long run), my philosophy is: They can't be good for you. After all, regular soda isn't good for you. And my biggest point to him: THEY CANNOT BE COUNTED AS DAILY H2O INTAKE!!!!!

People don't seem to GET how important water is!!!! Yeah, it doesn't have a's not supposed to. If we were supposed to be drinking heavy amnts. of Coke, etc. God (or evolution...take your pick) would have made Coca Cola streams. IMO, water is the most refreshing thing in the world! Nothing better on a hot day than a large glass of ice cold water w/ a sprig of lemon.

PS: Masucci...I am soooooo glad you've gotten off that's OK in SMALL amnts., but to drink it everyday, it's literally poison!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I hope you 're-discover' the beauty of drinking water. Once you start drinking it, you'll love it forever! Plus, you'll notice a big diff. in the way you feel, the way your body preforms, the way your skin gets clearer....I could go on and on, but you get the idea.


Well-known member
Diet coke is the main cause of my boyfriends dad getting epilepsy in his later teen years.

I'd stay away from any diet soda, it's the fake sugar they use. It does so much damage.

Drink regular soda if you must, but a lot less often. I cannot preach this enough.

Kevin's dad is having three seizures a day lately and they've told the family don't be surprised if he dies soon.


Well-known member
I was a complete Diet Coke addict until about 2 weeks ago.
I quit caffeine cold turkey (surprisingly, no headaches after the first day and they weren't that bad) and now only have a caffeine-free Diet Coke on occasion. The only thing I really miss is a good fountain Diet Coke from a restaurant.


Active member
Originally Posted by janelle811
Yay masucci I am proud of you

Thank you! I am so proud of myself! I cannot believe I did it! I would be lying if I said I didn't miss it sometimes - when we go out I have to catch myself because ordering Diet Coke is programmed into my brain! LOL Now I order water or juice. Usually just water. But I don't get cravings like I thought I would... I like that!


Well-known member
I was talking to my dentist and I asked her if diet soda was alright to drink and she said "Not really." She said that it's just as bad as regular soda because of the acid (really bad for your teeth) but if you have to drink one choose diet. Sipping on it the whole day can really destroy your teeth in the long term. Drink fast and brush your teeth after is what she told me to do. I read somewhere (I think it was in this month's Glamour) that over consuming artificial sweeteners can lead to bloating.


Well-known member
I used to drink a stupid amount of diet cola. Like one or two a day. I had a problem with my hair falling out for the LONGEST time and couldn't figure out why... it wasn't stress, my diet, etc. I stopped drinking diet cola cold turkey over a year ago for one reason or another (dehydrates you or something like that) and my hair problem is gone. I read on a website outlining the downsides of aspartame that my symptom was a common one....


Well-known member
Diet coke is know to chance your hormone levels and make you feel lower even thought its got caffine in it. It can also give you headaches. Info as per gillian something from "you are what you eat"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by wattage
The actual issue with pop of any kind is the phosphoric acid. Sodas are quite acidic, esp. diet coke, and thus upset calcium levels in your body. To compensate, your body breaks down your own bone to up the blood calcium, as calcium in the blood is required to stay alive. For women, this fact is very concerning, especially if you have a history of osteoporosis in your family or an unbalanced diet.

That's exactly what I was going to say, except not as detailed. All I've been told is that carbonation in general isn't good for your body (esp. your stomach) and that it upsets the balance of your body and whatnot.
And I totally agree with what's been said about artificial sweeteners. I'm sure that they're one of those "too good to be true" things and in 20 years we're all gonna croak from the amount of artificial crap we've ingested...
Caffeine in general is actually supposed to be fairly bad for you, but if you really need it, I suggest at least cutting back. I've never been able to drink more than a regular bottle of soda a day, and usually I don't drink more than a few a week. When I'm dieting I drink more, but no more than one a day.
Also, I've found that I can't physically handle regular soda anymore. Mostly because of the sickening amount of sugar they have (regular Coke is the worst, I can still drink regular Root Beer and creme soda). Plus the carbonation seems loads stronger than diet sodas and I'm not sure why.
Ironically, I just popped open a Black Cherry Vanilla diet Coke before hopping on the computer. One of my guilty pleasures, I guess.


Well-known member
There are no conclusive studies on the mal-effects of caffeine. While it is probably not wise to consume over 80mg a day, a lot of studies point toward health benefits when caffeine is consumed in moderation.

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