Dior Gourmette


Well-known member
I have seen it in person and I loved it. I tried getting hubby to buy it for me for valentines, but he hated it. He said it looked like something a rapper chick would wear. Whatever that means. I might have to buy it myself


Well-known member
I bought one and returned it the next day.
I tried one on in store and it was too big but I was told I would be able to take a link or two out with some pliers, well you can't because all the link are firmly closed plus the chain keeps twisting itself on you wrist so it doesn't lay flat.
Pretty but total waste of money.


Well-known member
I checked it out the other day and was pretty unimpressed. It's huge on me and I didn't think the colors were anythign to write home about. I suppose the price is ok though considering you're getting an actual piece of jewelry, but you're really paying for the 'Dior' name IMO.
Besides, what do you do with those things when you run out of gloss?? Especially those massive rings they came out with last year?? Other than use it as a personal weapon


Well-known member
I have this and must say I like it ... it fits me perfectly and although it is a bit big (well, ok, very big) it is a statement piece and I kind of like the absurdity of it ... must say I am a sucker for these Dior pieces. I have the ring, the dog tag and now this


Well-known member
cute, but immensely overpriced. i tried it on when i was replacing my diorshow mascara, and the lady tried her hardest to sell me this, and i somehow managed to say no, even though normally you can convice me to buy ANY cosmetic items. its relatively heavy, yet doesn't feel very well made, and i get the idea that there might be clasp problems on both the bracelet itself and the lipgloss compartment. the tester she put on me was almost brand new and already would not shut. plus, the bracelet plate was getting wierd smudgy fingerprints on it from the gloss. overall, the quality just scared me, plus i had the dice one from last year and returned it due to clasp malfunction, which was apparently a common problem.


Well-known member
They had one at the sephora store I went to last week. Doesn't look anywhere near as impressive or cute in person.


Well-known member
I like it, but im not too WOW. I think its over priced for one thing, even the dice with a million crystals on it was cheaper, come on! Also the lipgloss inside tastes horrible! AND I saw my friend with it, and when I looked at it, it was all scratched up and messed up and she just got it the other day! OH yeah! I put it on, and it wouldnt come off x__x hahaha. And it wouldve been hotter if the Dior sign was encrusted with crystals. If it had crystals I wouldve got it.


Well-known member
The only thing about it is, it may be worth money as a collectable in the future even empty
It is cute but I am way too broke. I have to economize my makeup purchases carefully

but I do think the urban decay jolly roger gloss ring is cute as hell. although i think my pinky is a 6.5 and they are only available in 6,so for you more petite people,it may be a fun thing- but again too pricey.

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