Disapointed with new MSF


Well-known member
Oh my... get it if you can! I'm a NC20 and it's sooo pretty on! But I didn't get it cause I forgot all about them until it was sold out... still kicking myself over it. Just hoping it will be re-released in the near future.


Active member
I just snagged the last one. Thank you so much for the info, deathcabber!!! And sorry to others looking for it! Hopefully there are a few other counters with it in stock.


Well-known member
You got the last one at my location? If so, I really got lucky last night then too by getting the second to last one
Originally Posted by bluegrassbabe
It's my favorite and most used of my 6 MSFs. I'm NC25-30, dark brown hair with red tones. It is the most perfect coral pinky blush for me. Since it's completely different from the 2 you already have, so I would give it a yes. Especially if you can still find it for retail cost. Just be sure to try it on at the counter and make sure you like it before you buy.

Oooh, which 6 do you have?

I'm thinking about collecting these and I have Naked You & Petticoat, New Vegas & Porcelain Pink on their way - do I need Shimpagne, So Ceylon, Stereo Rose, Metal Rock, Pleasureflush, and Gold Deposit? If so, where can I find them - I'm having a hard time even on eBay!


Well-known member
So Ceylon and Pleasureflush will probably be the hardest to find. I got lucky whena someone here told me a CCO near me had So Ceylon. So I went to get it that afternoon.

Just keep on eye out for the ones you decide you want on eBay, CCOs, here, and MUA.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by andreariggen
Oooh, which 6 do you have?

I'm thinking about collecting these and I have Naked You & Petticoat, New Vegas & Porcelain Pink on their way - do I need Shimpagne, So Ceylon, Stereo Rose, Metal Rock, Pleasureflush, and Gold Deposit? If so, where can I find them - I'm having a hard time even on eBay!

I have Metal Rock, Stereo Rose, Porcelain Pink, Gold Deposit, Petticoat, and Naked You. I don't really care for the Gold Deposit on me, though it looks lovely on others. It's just to yellow for my skin. Metal Rock is great for contouring, and also looks good on eyes and lips.
I wish I could have got my hands on So Ceylon, Shimpagne, and Pleasureflush.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by andreariggen
Oooh, which 6 do you have?

I'm thinking about collecting these and I have Naked You & Petticoat, New Vegas & Porcelain Pink on their way - do I need Shimpagne, So Ceylon, Stereo Rose, Metal Rock, Pleasureflush, and Gold Deposit? If so, where can I find them - I'm having a hard time even on eBay!

You can call around, I snagged a So Ceylon from a dept store counter by calling ...random. It's a pain but sometimes you get a lucky.

Its the worst, when people tell you they snag something you need and dont tell you where and you end up calling all over Gods creation for it.

I got the last one of So Ceylon at a dept store counter and they didnt have any others.

Good luck as I am looking for the same ones you are besides So Ceylon. Shimpagne and S.Rose. Shimpagne is nice, smooth finish. Stereo Rose is nice too. I have those, I dont have the others tho. I highly doubt I will ever find Pleasureflush and I refuse to spend ebay prices on stuff - they will repromote or put something out similar or better or I will eventually just not want it any more like Kitchmas ...I never got the original and now I dont care about it.

I just got over it....and I wasnt about to swap 10 full size items for Kitchmas or pay 200 smackers for it on Evil-bay.


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MAC So Ceylon MSF

hi, can someone post a pic of this MSF? I don't know the color and I want know

thanks for answer


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Please remember to use the search function both on the forum and in the gallery for answers to common questions.


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MSF size consistency (or lack thereof)

Does anyone else find that some MSFs are larger than others? The dome on my used (about three times or so) Shimpagne and So Ceylon are noticeably "fatter" than my brand new Porcelain Pink and Petticoat. I bought Porcelain Pink and Petticoat directly from the counter, so they definitely have never been used.

I though it was just my eyes playing tricks on me, but I made a direct comparison with those plastic dome things that come between the MSF itself and the lid, and the tip of the dome of my So Ceylon is much closer to the plastic thing compared to Petticoat. Am I making any sense at all?

So, my question is, is it just me or have anyone else noticed the same thing? Please tell me I'm not crazy!


Well-known member
I haven't noticed anything like that, but they are handmade or something, aren't they? That would definitely account for major variations, if so. I've only got one, so nothing to compare it to

Hopefully some MSF aficionados will have more info for us...


Active member
Yes I have noticed a very noticeable size difference in my MSF's too. But I think generally that they all have the same amount of pigments and minerals. I think it's just that because they are baked, some are bound to bake up a bit bigger than others despite the same amount of ingredients.
i only own Shimpagne. But now that I think of it, i remember returning my second 182 to MAC cos it was noticeably smaller in size than my first. When I took it back, they gladly exchanged it with the last one they had, which was also smaller than my first.


Active member
i've always thought that, but i just thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, too. but now that someone else has mentioned it, i don't feel as crazy

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