discolouration of facial skin :[


Well-known member
i've finally gotten my facial skin pretty smooth [mini wave to celebrate haha] but i still have that ugly discolouration. it's red mainly on/around the nose and chin...does anyone know anything [besides toner/astringent] that can help that?


Well-known member
Moisturiser with vit C is supposed to be good for this. Do you mean uneven pigmentation in skin or fading dark scars?

Oh, and eating lots of vegetables. That's good for your skin!


Well-known member
I have that too ...red nose syndrome.ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've used Vitamin C toner and Lotion from AVON< cheap if u wanna try them out


Well-known member
I have that too. Its gone away a bit since I was a teenager, but its never gone away fully. I probably should take vitamins or something..


Well-known member
Its mostly congestion under the skin. Are you exfoliating at least once a week??
If it's actually pigmentation and not redness, then DDF has an excellent treatment regimen for that.

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