Do Asian-only releases ever show up in CCOs?


Well-known member
This might be a dumb question but I'm wondering if I could ever see Quietly pigment in my CCO? Do Asian exclusives ever end up there or do they stay overseas?


Well-known member
I've never heard of anyone mentioning any asian only released item at cco's. I know the European exclusives never reach the usa cco's.


Well-known member
they stay overseas AFAIK. If you are looking for Quietly have a look at rockinchick's thread in the CB, she can get it where she is still available there


Well-known member
I have seen a few Lightful items show up in one of mine (they weren't any of the Lightful items released in the US), so I guess the answer is yes, but sadly, I haven't seen any of the colour items.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I have seen a few Lightful items show up in one of mine (they weren't any of the Lightful items released in the US), so I guess the answer is yes, but sadly, I haven't seen any of the colour items.

I've also seen quite a few of the lightful items at mine, but as mine doesn't seem to ever get pigments I dont think they have gotten any of the color items from this line


Well-known member
I've seen the Peachy palette at a CCO before, and IIRC it was an Asian exclusive palette or a travel exclusive there may be a possibility it could show up.