Do different paints differ in texture/finish/base power?


Well-known member
I only have one paint - Magrittes which i love but it creases on me so i still have to use UD PP underneath as i love the way e/s applied over Paints but this is a pain to do and very time consuming.

I noticed Magrittes is very shimmery in a subtle and i'm sure from testing before that not all of them are shimmery. I'm guessing they all have different finishes?

Do different paints have more or less staying power and crease less? I'm just wondering if maybe a few of the more popular Paint shades (paler ones which are used as e/s base by alot of people) are better in helping e/s to stay crease free and are more budge proof?


Well-known member
I think most, if not all, of the paints are shimmery, some more than others. On me, all of the paints have about the same staying power. I use Stilife, Untitled, and Base Light the most.


Well-known member
That's a good question. I don't know. I know that Bamboom really works well for me and doesn't crease but I wonder if maybe the matte paints don't crease. I don't know because I don't have any.


Active member
I use bare canvas and untitled the most and they are more matte finish. I also have pixel, stilife and canton candy, and they are more frosted. I use all my paints just as a base.


New member
Canton Candy creased on me like crazy! That is the only one I had problems with.
Not all of them have Shimmer by the way. Some of the newer ones are very matte.


Well-known member
I think they all have some degree of shimmer, tho some are much more frosted than others. I have never had any issues with creasing from any of the colors. I have chartru, stilife, bamboom, canton candy, and artjam.
If you continue to have trouble with creasing, maybe try using the fluidlines as a base. I use frostlite quite often and love it. I think it tends to apply a little thinner than the paints.


Well-known member
There are variations in the finishes of paints. You can check the precautions list for info on their textures, or the MAC reviews>eyes forum


Well-known member
Most paints dry to a powdery sort of texture doesn't it anyway?? I own stiffle paint and its quite shimmery on my skin tone which makes me reluctant to use it at times as i'm not a huge fan of glitter or anything... but textrue wise, its quite smooth