Do others try to tell your how to wear you m/up or hair


Well-known member
Do you find there is a difference between what your significant other or even family likes your make up to look like verses what you get compliments on out in public?

Today, I thought it was interesting. I stopped by a makeup counter and tried on a dramatic smoky eye look and some hot red lips. I had people I didn't even know tell me how great my makeup looked. That pumped me up a bit. As soon as I walked in the door, my hubby said, "You have dark e/s on and it looks like stage makeup". I told him that I actually got compliments on it. He said, "You don't look good with dark colors on your eyes". He doesn't prefer me with bright colors or dark colors on my eyes, but that doesn't stop me.
I love to play with different looks.

Oh, my mother hates it when I straighten my hair. Isn't it funny?

So, how about you? Does you family or significant other try to dictate a certain look for your hair and makeup?


Well-known member
Yes. My boyfriend of 5 years doesn't like makeup. He finds neutrals to be sexier than anything darker or more colorful, and also hates lipstick and lipgloss because they leave prints on his face. Hahaha. He is very supportive of my makeup addiction though, and he's been the one to buy all the MAC I own.

He also likes it when I leave my hair down. Doesn't care if I wear it natural (which is stick straight) or wavy/curly, but he just looooves it down and always tries to convince me to abandon my ponytails.

My mother is the same as far as my hair goes, she's always telling me I look so much better when it's down. As far as makeup though, she tells me I look better with lipstick on and some glimmery eyeshadow and liner and stuff. Ha. I do whatever I want though, and they are both generally supportive of whatever I decide to do to my face.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by faifai
Ha. I do whatever I want though, and they are both generally supportive of whatever I decide to do to my face.

That's great!

I love how the hubby points out a model in a magazine and says, "She isn't wearing any makeup. I like that look". I said, "She is wearing a lot of makeup. You just don't realize it, because it's in neutral or flesh colors". LOL


Well-known member
yeah me and one of my best mates are so different

when i go out i like big hair big boobs big makeup!!

lashings of black around the eyes and uber glossy lips...

and my hair back brushed as much and a bit 'undone'

shes always like smooth your hair down... stop getting extensions... you should wear your makeup more natural... why dont you stop bleaching your hair and go back to brunette etc etc

but if i turned round and said 'actually i think youd look better with a bit more makeup on' or 'i find your hair pretty boring' well that would be rude huh?

but i like us being so different

where as when im with my other mates with the same style...gosh we encourage eachother 'more blusher' 'more lips' we look like a bunch of drag queens by the end of a night out


Well-known member
i get it all the time.

my other half doesn't really care. it's my mum that tries to do the most input.

the other night i tried out a purple look on my eyes (just because i could), and she took one look at it and said "that's too dark on you". she's very critical of my makeup, hair, shoes and clothes.

i won't take makeup advice from her though. she wears foundation that is way too dark for her, and has often encouraged me to do the same so i don't look so pale. the funniest thing was one day i matched her foundation - she's a shade darker than i am and i had some foundation that matched her perfectly. i then did the rest of her makeup and when she looked at herself she thought it looked great.

so what did she do the next day? slap on too dark foundation, despite having a bottle of foundation that matched her skin tone.


Well-known member
well family memebers don't like to see me in bright colours (for eg blue) so i have to be neutral toned around them Grrrr (browns). They are not used to it because none of my other sisters care about make up. But i don't care LOL.

Mom doesn't like to see my hair curly, whenever its curly she goes "aren't you going to straighten it"

"no mom, i'm tired"

"It looks untidy"

"mom i don't feel like sitting infront of a mirror for an hour doing my hair"
After several talks during the day..

"fine mom i'll do it later"


Girl about town

Well-known member
i got a blunt fringe cut in and at first my fiance hated it, but everyone else says it looks great so tough luck to him!!!! He doesn't like my ruby woo lipstick or my girl about town and says they are too bright , but i think it looks shit hot!!! (must look too sexy lol)


Well-known member
DH loves the fact that I play around with my hair and makeup.

In any given week, I will wear my hair 7 different ways in seven different days. Makeup...I just do what moves me. Neutral, smokey, vivid. Experience has given me a good eye as far as colour theory/combos, what balances a look and what is appropriate for what occassion (work/client meeting/on the town, etc), so I don't get unpleasant comments. Hey, not that I still don't make a mistake or two.

I wouldn't really be around someone who "tells" me how to do my makeup. I appreciate peoples suggestions, but someone flat-out telling me how to adorn my body is an arrogant presumption on their part.

I am usually the one instigating friends to play around with makeup. It should be fun and to their personal preference, though.


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My bf thinks I'm hot no matter what I do to myself, so yay! As for other people, my dad has a lot to say when I wear red lipstick (you look old, the lipstick's too thick, it's staining the glass, etc etc.) My mom doesn't like me wearing red lipstick either but she doesn't say much about it.

I get the most amount of negative comments from aunts. They hate me wearing my dark smokey eyes look, but whatevs.


Well-known member
My best friend and my middle brother ALWAYS have something to say about my m/u or hair. Either it's too dark, too light, I should go find a street corner, it's too blended, it's not blended well enough, those colors are crap, OMG what did you do to your hair! and on and on. There are days I could do without the opinions of the wonderduo there.

My oldest brother and my ex though are super cool about it. The only thing they said anything about is when I dyed my hair from auburn (natural) to a super dark chocolate brown. I heard comments for weeks about that until I dyed it back to red- then they shut up.


Well-known member
I wear my hair very short and my hubby much prefers long hair on women. I grew it out to the middle of my back for him once and hated it so off it went. He also doesn't care for the really bright eyeshadows I wear sometimes but he knows that when I feel better about myself and like the way I look its better for everyone.

In other words "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy".


Well-known member
My SO used to always tell me when he thought my makeup was too bright or too loud by his standards. Hell, he still does. I used to think it was because he hated me using colors, he just wanted to see me in neutrals, till I realized one day he actually meant to say that I had too much makeup on (and boy did I ever slap that stuff on like there was no tomorrow). Full coverage foundation, 15 eye shadows, lipstick, gloss, liner, it was all just too much for him because he loves the way I look without it all on. Now I've found that happy medium where he loves my big ol face no matter what I have on, and I'm happy with how I look (usually light foundation, gloss, and whatever colors I want on my eyes).

Now if only I could show him that just because I'm negative color (haha, I'm that pale) doesn't mean I can't wear blue.


Well-known member
My SO's pretty cool with it. Although he's not fond of lip products cause then they get on him. But he knows I enjoy and am pursuing it as a career and he knows what his addiction is. My mom will just say thing like 'Oh your eyes are dark' and then leave it at that. I used to get a lot of comments about my hair from my family cause it was purple. I usually only wearing neutrals around my family though.


Well-known member
My boyfriend loves it when I wear makeup and go crazy on the eyes. He says it "enhances my looks", which in simplified terms means I look like crap without it! lol

He also hates it when I curl my hair but has gotten used to it and likes that my roots never stay curly. Loves me in dark brown hair, hates redheads.

Everyone in my makeup class wants to color my hair blonde for some strange reason.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by faifai

My mother is the same as far as my hair goes, she's always telling me I look so much better when it's down. As far as makeup though, she tells me I look better with lipstick on and some glimmery eyeshadow and liner and stuff. Ha. I do whatever I want though, and they are both generally supportive of whatever I decide to do to my face.

Pretty much the same here. There's no boyfriend in my world, but when I ask my mother her opinion about what eyeshadow I should wear with a given outfit, at first she'll say, "You know more about makeup than I do; you decide."
When pressed, though, about 90% of the time she'll say, "What about that beige-y stuff you've got?"
Fortunately, I love my taupes and browns, and would wear them most of the time anyhow.

With lipstick, it's a variation of the same; the answer is usually, "Have you got a nice rose color?"
Again fortunately, I love my Viva Glam IV.
All that to say: While my mother does not attempt to tell me what makeup to wear, she has her ways of letting me know that she prefers that I go with fairly conservative shades, and I'm fine with that.
BUT she likes my hair short, and I like it long, so I wear it long.


Well-known member
If my SO had his way I would only wear eyeliner and mascara. He hates it when I put a highlight color under my brow, and always says I'm to naturally pretty for all that "gunk". I use to give in and not wear anything, but life's too short to cater to everyone's opinions, so I wear whatever. My family loves when I put on makeup, though they did not understand when I cut off all of my relaxed hair to go natural, but they love the long locs now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by j_absinthe
They know better.


Ditto. They will say if they like it or not, but to tell me how to wear it?


Few people dare to tread there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by divinedime
If my SO had his way I would only wear eyeliner and mascara. He hates it when I put a highlight color under my brow, and always says I'm to naturally pretty for all that "gunk". I use to give in and not wear anything, but life's too short to cater to everyone's opinions, so I wear whatever.

Shoot, yeah. It's your face, not his.
It annoys me when men say that they "don't like for women to wear makeup," but still expect you to look fresh and gorgeous at 7:00 a.m.
Sorry, guys, but for most of us, you can have gorgeous, or you can have bare-faced, but not both at the same time.