Do these MAC Brushes look fake?


Well-known member

**EDIT** Got 1 more pic, dont know if it helps or not but these were the only 2 pics I have

The brushes do look matte to me but who knows!


cant really tell with all the flash. but if the wooden handle are shiny then it shld be fake. i read somewhere that mac brushes are all matte and without shine.

and if the brush numbers can be easily rubbed off, then itz definitely fake


Well-known member
i have almost all those brushes and i got them from a mac store but mine don't look like that. but its hard to tell with the flash.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nai
i have almost all those brushes and i got them from a mac store but mine don't look like that.

thanks for the replies.... in what way do they look different? im baaaad with brushes sorry


Well-known member
They are fake. Look at the blush brush to the left. You can see it has a blue/purple tint to it, and it is lighter at the base of the hairs. All MAC black brushes are a solid black.

Also, if the hairs are really soft and not stiffen they are fake. What about all the number? are they correct? sometimes the fake brushes have 1somethingsomething instead of the correct number. 1 = face 2 = eye


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_supra
What about all the number? are they correct? sometimes the fake brushes have 1somethingsomething instead of the correct number. 1 = face 2 = eye

I haven't bought the brushes so I dont know if they're stiff hairs or what..
not sure if this helps but as for the numbers the only info given is... (not in the correct order)
174 - powder brush
316 - lip brush
191 - foundation brush
227 - large fluff brush
206 - comb brush
217 - eye blending brush
224 - tapered blending brush
184 - duo fibre fan brush
212 - flat definer
192 - concealer brush
206 - angled brush
187 - stippling brush
188 - small duo fibre face brush

it sucks that everyone so far thinks they're fake... I NEEEED BRUSHES!

glassy girl

Well-known member
Who cares if there fake they look identical to the real thing i have every single one of the real one's and they look the same. I'm sure you will be able to acheive the same makeup results with these brushes and look great. Now if u paid full price and think there fake then i would have a problem but if not it's all good!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glassy girl
Who cares if there fake they look identical to the real thing i have every single one of the real one's and they look the same. I'm sure you will be able to acheive the same makeup results with these brushes and look great. Now if u paid full price and think there fake then i would have a problem but if not it's all good!!

Counterfeit makeup products (including brushes) fund terrorism - not to mention other criminal activities.
The brushes will almost certainly be of poor quality ('heads' falling off, lots of shedding, dye running), as well as possibly being made from substances/dyes/glues that could be harmful to skin and eyes (or react with chemicals in your products). These are sold at a much higher price then they are worth due to the counterfeit MAC logos. If they wanted/could to sell them for the value asked, why would they rip off MAC's logo?
If you want to throw away money to criminals that dont give a damn about your health and safety, thats your prerogative (though i hope for your sake you wont) - but please dont encourage it.

Good brushes = good makeup application, usually no matter what products you use (hence why people spend a small fortune on a MAC brush set). Crap brushes will make even MAC makeup look shoddy.
There are cheaper, legit brush sets you can buy from honest/authentic companies. Or you can go to a good art store and pick up brushes that are quite close to the quality of MAC's, but for a fraction of the cost.

YouTube - MAC Brushes vs Painting Brushes - tutorial about MAC v Art brushes
Loew Cornell Assorted Natural Hair Brushes - Rex Art Supplies - art brushes featured in youtube video

Sephora: Sephora Brand Short Handle Crease Eyeshadow Brush: Eyes - brush featured in youtube video.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glassy girl
Who cares if there fake they look identical to the real thing i have every single one of the real one's and they look the same. I'm sure you will be able to acheive the same makeup results with these brushes and look great. Now if u paid full price and think there fake then i would have a problem but if not it's all good!!

No it will not. I Thought some thinking they were MAC, but came out to be fake. Because they are fake the hair is very soft and does not desposit color that is bold. Also, the 266 angle brush is so soft, after a few uses the hairs permanently started to curve. Any black brush when you wash it the dye comes off, all real MAC brushes don't do this.

glassy girl

Well-known member
Originally Posted by wolfsong
Counterfeit makeup products (including brushes) fund terrorism - not to mention other criminal activities.
The brushes will almost certainly be of poor quality ('heads' falling off, lots of shedding, dye running), as well as possibly being made from substances/dyes/glues that could be harmful to skin and eyes (or react with chemicals in your products). These are sold at a much higher price then they are worth due to the counterfeit MAC logos. If they wanted/could to sell them for the value asked, why would they rip off MAC's logo?
If you want to throw away money to criminals that dont give a damn about your health and safety, thats your prerogative (though i hope for your sake you wont) - but please dont encourage it.

Good brushes = good makeup application, usually no matter what products you use (hence why people spend a small fortune on a MAC brush set). Crap brushes will make even MAC makeup look shoddy.
There are cheaper, legit brush sets you can buy from honest/authentic companies. Or you can go to a good art store and pick up brushes that are quite close to the quality of MAC's, but for a fraction of the cost.

YouTube - MAC Brushes vs Painting Brushes - tutorial about MAC v Art brushes
Loew Cornell Assorted Natural Hair Brushes - Rex Art Supplies - art brushes featured in youtube video

Sephora: Sephora Brand Short Handle Crease Eyeshadow Brush: Eyes - brush featured in youtube video.

My bad i did not mean to offend anyone. I didn't encourage her to buy them i assumed she had them already.I've bought inexpensive no name brushes before and worked great and asumed these would too. But thanks for the info i know better now.