Do they have no common sense?!!


Well-known member
So my cell phone rings while I'm in the bathroom (of course it would - that's just how it goes) and my husband says, "You're phone is ringing." I'm thinking, DUH, I know my own damn ringer, but since I'm working on being less of a smart-ass, I said, "Well, can you answer it?" I knew by the ringer it was my mom calling. He says, "Hello?" and then just hands the phone to me while I'm still in the bathroom!!! I said, in an irritated and kinda screechy voice, "Well can you wait a minute?!!" So then he slams the phone shut and tosses it down the hall. WTF?!
I can't imagine that I'm being that unreasonable as to have him answer my phone and tell my mother "she'll be just a minute." I always answer his cell phone when it rings, and if he's napping or in the bathroom (or otherwise indisposed) I'll take a message. If he's elsewhere in the house, I'll take his phone to him...all the while being pleasant to whoever the caller is.

I know that he's pissed that I snapped at him so the caller :my mother: could hear me, but seriously...would it kill him to make pleasant conversation while I wipe my ass?

He seems to have a "problem" with my parents. Like it's too much effort for him to deal with them. I am always pleasant and accommodating to his parents and I genuinely like them. I often get the feeling that he just really doesn't like my folks that much. Anyone else have the same one-sided problem, i.e. you like your SO's parents, but your SO doesn't seem to like yours?


Well-known member
I must admit that I don't answer the phone when my ILs call. I just don't have anything to talk to them about. But if it rings and DH is occupied, I just tell him when he's done that someone called him.


Well-known member
My problem was the opposite. My ex liked my parents a lot...and I liked his dad but his mom was crazy a lot of times (they aren't together). The problem was that I never knew what day she was being somewhat normal and what days she decided to flip out for absolutely no reason. Anyway..I can make pleasant conversation for two minutes anytime...or say can you hold on for a minute, I need to get him. He's either PMS'ing or maybe there's more to it than just that one little snap at him...and that was the one that made him crack. I'm not making excuses for him but sometimes it's hard to deal with us ladies. I'd hate to be a guy and do it all the time lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Araylan
My problem was the opposite. My ex liked my parents a lot...and I liked his dad but his mom was crazy a lot of times (they aren't together). The problem was that I never knew what day she was being somewhat normal and what days she decided to flip out for absolutely no reason. Anyway..I can make pleasant conversation for two minutes anytime...or say can you hold on for a minute, I need to get him. He's either PMS'ing or maybe there's more to it than just that one little snap at him...and that was the one that made him crack. I'm not making excuses for him but sometimes it's hard to deal with us ladies. I'd hate to be a guy and do it all the time lol.

Yeah...I can be a pain sometimes, lol. But it really irritates me because he never answers my phone when I ask him to. He'll just let it ring or say, "Your phone is ringing" as I try to haul ass getting to it saying, "Please get it for me." IMO, it's just common courtesy to answer and at least say, "Hold on." He'd answer the phone if it were a landline with caller ID, so I just don't see the difference.


Well-known member
aww how shitty is that!! I would get really annoyed if this happens to me so i don't see that you did anything wrong.


Well-known member
The way I see it: it's not your bf's duty to answer your cell phone. If someone calls my bf's cell, I bring him the phone if I'm nearby but I don't answer it. I just think the person wants to talk to him, not me, otherwise they would have called our landline. I also wouldn't want my bf to answer my own cell, I'd rather just miss a call and call the person back myself. Anyway your cell will show missed calls, so you can just ring them back. Honestly, I think you're kind of overreacting.


Well-known member
I'll answer his if he is not around, and pass it on to him if he's able to take the call. Usually I know the person calling anyway - and a lot of the time if he doesn't answer my phone starts ringing a few seconds later

I will not answer his work cell unless I actually know the person calling (like one of his workmates).

He tends not to answer mine so much, he'll usually pass it on to me while it's still ringing. He's especially afraid of answering if he thinks it's my parents calling.


Well-known member
My hubby has a friend that likes to call while he is in the bathroom doing all his business. I refuse to talk to him while he is straining or urinating. I hang up on him all the time. He just doesn't understand why I don't want to talk. What the flea's behind is wrong with this man? I don't want to talk to someone while they are releasing gas, grunting, or whatever. GEESH!

The call can wait till he his finished.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
aww shitty :p (pun intended)

LOL Hilly you're a goof!

I don't answer my husbands phone. I just feel like thats his personal property and I don't feel right answering it. He doesn't answer my phone either. He'll just tell me my phone is ringing or he'll get it for me and hand it to me if I'm in another room. But that sucks dude, it seems like he has a temper problem. A good smack upside the head might fix that....


Well-known member
Hmm...I don't think I have this problem. Every once in awhile my boyfriend may say something rude about my parents or someone in my family, but I must admit--he has a reason to most of the time. My family is very weird and they like him, and my boyfriend likes them, but we get treated as though we're still children. As for his family, I don't really like them. Because they are crazy and weird. He knows that and he isn't mad at me for not liking them too much.

Maybe you should just talk to him about it. Tell him that you feel he needs to respect you and your parents a little bit more. The phone situation seems like something small (yet really...annoying) so that should be able to be solved easily. But then maybe the whole reason he did that is because it was your mom...and in that case I think you guys should talk.

me and my boyfriend don't typically answer eachothers phones. If I'm like upstairs, or in the bathroom he will answer it. But I usually don't answer his phone. I have only done that a couple times.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
The way I see it: it's not your bf's duty to answer your cell phone. If someone calls my bf's cell, I bring him the phone if I'm nearby but I don't answer it. I just think the person wants to talk to him, not me, otherwise they would have called our landline. I also wouldn't want my bf to answer my own cell, I'd rather just miss a call and call the person back myself. Anyway your cell will show missed calls, so you can just ring them back. Honestly, I think you're kind of overreacting.

Yeah, I know it's not his duty, I guess I was just irritated that I asked him to answer for me because I knew it was my mom calling, but I figured he wait until I was out of the bathroom to hand me my phone. We actually don't have a landline, so my mom will only call my cell phone...even if it's to ask him something.

Anyhoo...I'm not irritated this morning. But I think I'll have a little chat with him about phone etiquitte. Thanks everyone!