Do you believe there are real psychics?


Well-known member
I have been watching police cases that were solved only through the assistance of psychics. I believe there are some frauds out there, but these folks that solve for police appear to be the real thing. My religious upbringing was totally against using the assistance of such people. I don't know. If I had a loved one missing, it sure would be tempting to use these services. Do you believe people have such abilities? If so, would you consider using their services in such cases finding a missing love one or finding out what happened to someone in a murder case?


Well-known member
Some people are more intuitive than other people, and different people have different though processes that allow them to draw different yet accurate conclusions from evidence as it's presented, but no, I don't believe anyone is psychic.


Well-known member
The last show I watched was really interesting. A young man was missing for weeks. They had no leads at all. He was missing in New York. The police officer decided on a whim to contact a psychic with a good reputation. She took him to the location (a pier) and point out in the water that the man was right there. The police officer did not get anyone to go out there, since it was not in the area where the man was last seen and this was from a psychic. She described his background and his tattoo on his shoulder.

Three weeks later, a woman on a boat found the man's body floating in that exact area. I find that interesting.


Well-known member
For me, I think there are many fakes. However, I am not a total disbeliever. Even in my own live, I have had information that someone was trying to reach me or trying to do me harm and been right on target. I am not saying this is a psychic ability, but it may be something that all people have and are not aware. I think their are true psychic abilities that maybe all may possess, but maybe we don't listen to it. I guess you would say that I remain open-minded on the topic.

In some cases, I feel mothers in particular seem to have a psychic link to their children.


Well-known member
Yes, I believe there are real psychics. Like SparklingWaves said...there are a lot of fakes, however, some of them are just so right on that there has to be something there. I would definitely use them if I had loved one missing...I would want to use every option possible. I feel the same way about ghosts/spirits. Just because I've never experienced them or can't explain them, doesn't mean these types of things don't/can't exist.


Well-known member
i've seen a similar TV show over here.

basically, they got cold cases that were many years old, and got psychics to see if they could get anything to help the police.

some of the psychics were so off on things it was laughable. some of them were so accurate it was scary... they would do things like lead the camera crew to the exact spot a murdered person's body was found in - when the general area had been made public but the specific spot had not. some of them would even stop at places along the way and say something like "a shoe was found here" - and again, they were at the exact place evidence had been found at.

some of them also gave the police descriptions and even names of people involved in perpertating the crimes - and investigations proved some of these to be true and led to arrests.

i think there are real psychics out there, but there are a lot of fakes as well.


Well-known member
I went to a medium with my mother & sister a few weeks ago (my oldest sister passed away 2 years ago at 33yo and my father (parents divorced) passed away this past July at 59yo), and I will say that I do not know enough to say it isn't real.

There are definitely frauds, but there also do seem to be people who have a "sixth sense".

However, although it is a correct term, for me the word "psychic" (versus terms like medium, etc) conjures up someone who predicts things; the concept of prediction of the future is harder for me to buy into than communicating with spirits.

The whole concept of psychic ability is very abstract and against all ideas of logic that are typically ingrained within us; but I can not discount psychic ability.

It was interesting the response that I got from people while talking about our session with the medium; I have been a bit surprised by the openness to the concept and the interest that people expressed in both my session as well as how it works, what's it like, what could they expect, etc.


Psychic: person who possess extra-sensory abilities, including: clairvoyance, psychometry and precognition, who can sometimes communicate with spirits


Well-known member
So sorry about your loss. Thank you so much for sharing, COBI.

Most of the people I know are becoming much more open to the belief that some folks have as you stated "extra-sensory" abilities. I know that I do.

Redambition, those shows really do prove to me that some folks do have the ability. One show had a girl last seen at at a mall. That was it. No other lead. They didn't know where she was or anything else. The psychic lead them to her body in another state and actually conducted a prayer like service to send the perp's negative energy back. He cut himself with the same knife that he had hurt the girl with and had turned himself in. Now, that was just over the top.

MacAttak - I totally agree.


Well-known member
Okay. Here is my story.

Friends tells me about this 'psychic' who for a nominal fee will tell you 'your fortune'.

You line up at her place where she does readings - a church.

She hold my watch. Asks me about my kids. "I don't have any children"

She tells me she sees two. Okay. Discusses my toxic mother.
The fact that my life is about to change etc.

Within a couple of months, I was married and three months pregnant. So how, having never met me before, did she know?

PS I have two kids.


Well-known member
I do agree that there are psychics. When I was in high school, one of my classmates had this creepy ability to tell what we've been up to after school. If it were one or two people, I'd say he has excellent stalking skills, but for a class of 40, and he knew what every single one did is kinda creepy.

And also, he predicted that I would never graduate valedictorian.... and I didn't, despite having higher grades than the one who did.


Well-known member
This is one of the hard things about relaying psychic information: to others statements seem very general in many ways, such as having 2 kids or not graduating valedictorian; they can easily be discounted by naysayers as vague or easy such as "well, duh, 80% of the population has 2 kids (and even if you have more at some point, you'll have 2)" or "what's the big deal with that prediction, there's only one valedictorian in a class?"

I had the same issue (in my mind) relaying some of the information from my session. For example, the medium said my sister kept trying to send the message that she's "the perfect size; she's the perfect size now." The medium had no idea what it meant, but my sister passed due to cardiac issues as a result of her long battle with bulimia. Also, both this medium and another that my mother went to alone mentioned that she kept holding her stomach. Yes, they are general statements, but they were significant to us.

I guess my long-winded point is that we have what we believe, and we will never convince naysayers to change their mindset; they would need to experience something personally for that type of change. And if you believe, it doesn't matter if someone else doesn't.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nenebird
Okay. Here is my story.

Friends tells me about this 'psychic' who for a nominal fee will tell you 'your fortune'.

You line up at her place where she does readings - a church.

She hold my watch. Asks me about my kids. "I don't have any children"

She tells me she sees two. Okay. Discusses my toxic mother.
The fact that my life is about to change etc.

Within a couple of months, I was married and three months pregnant. So how, having never met me before, did she know?

PS I have two kids.

That's something else. I do believe there is something about people personal property. I know. I am weird about this.

I went through my mother-in-law stuff when she died. I found a few strands of her hair attached to her jewelry and I put it in an envelope for my hubby to carry around with him to feel connected to his mother. They were very close. A few months later his sister comes up gives him a pony tail of her's that she cut off when she was in her 30's. It was like she knew what I did.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by COBI
This is one of the hard things about relaying psychic information: to others statements seem very general in many ways, such as having 2 kids or not graduating valedictorian; they can easily be discounted by naysayers as vague or easy such as "well, duh, 80% of the population has 2 kids (and even if you have more at some point, you'll have 2)" or "what's the big deal with that prediction, there's only one valedictorian in a class?"

I had the same issue (in my mind) relaying some of the information from my session. For example, the medium said my sister kept trying to send the message that she's "the perfect size; she's the perfect size now." The medium had no idea what it meant, but my sister passed due to cardiac issues as a result of her long battle with bulimia. Also, both this medium and another that my mother went to alone mentioned that she kept holding her stomach. Yes, they are general statements, but they were significant to us.

I guess my long-winded point is that we have what we believe, and we will never convince naysayers to change their mindset; they would need to experience something personally for that type of change. And if you believe, it doesn't matter if someone else doesn't.

Absolutely, it is a personal message that is for you. I totally understand what you are saying.


Well-known member
i do beleive but i dont want to

i have a friend whos dad died...and he has talked about things to her...through a phsycic,that only she and her mother would know...such as nicknames,people they know,what theyve been up to, who theyve been dating... even medication theyre on... and sometimes theres too much evidence to doubt it.

but i think sometimes they can take advantage of greiving people say for example someone could come to me and it wouldnt take a genius to say 'you were very close...he enjoyed spending time with you and is looking out for you etc etc' cos that is what a greiving person would want to hear.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dollbabybex
i do beleive but i dont want to

i have a friend whos dad died...and he has talked about things to her...through a phsycic,that only she and her mother would know...such as nicknames,people they know,what theyve been up to, who theyve been dating... even medication theyre on... and sometimes theres too much evidence to doubt it.

but i think sometimes they can take advantage of greiving people say for example someone could come to me and it wouldnt take a genius to say 'you were very close...he enjoyed spending time with you and is looking out for you etc etc' cos that is what a greiving person would want to hear.

Exactly. The medium even told us (while explaining the process) that there are things that most spirits comunicate such as "They're happy; they're not in pain; etc." (almost in a blah, blah, blah kind of way that indicated she understands these are not "proving" type communications for people), but also, that a lot of the stuff that she (the medium) communicates won't make any sense to her (the medium), but she just says what she is getting. These things that she felt were completely random and she didn't understand are the things that ended up being the "proof" so to speak.

She also said to not try to force something; don't try to make a false connection if something isn't resonating with you; and the other one my mother went to said the same thing. And there were times when we tried to make something fit and she wouldn't let us make connections that didn't feel right to her; we would just write it down and move forward in the session.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Some people are more intuitive than other people, and different people have different though processes that allow them to draw different yet accurate conclusions from evidence as it's presented, but no, I don't believe anyone is psychic.

/\ That about sums it up for me.

Aside from that, sometimes weird coincidences just happen. Happenstance, chance, whatever you want to call it.


Well-known member
We use what, 10% of our brains? I firmly believe that there are people out there that can tap into more. I also believe they probably live their lives quietly and aren't on tv trying to make a buck, ie John Edwards.