Hey, I'm not sure how to start this because it's a little sensative for me as I suffered acne not as a teen but during pregnancy and was very limited to what i could do. Especially since drs are like no your pregnant it will go when baby comes etc and I'm like 4 months pregnant thinking of the next 4 to 5 months with pizza face
Made me so depressed my face hurt and the whole 9.
I was told to use retinol but ...where to start etc
I had days i cried and days I was like let's sort this out with bicarbonate soda and lemon, peroxide, honey masks blah blah blah
I finally purchased a retinA cream with snail extract and it calmed my inflamed bumps. Within a week I had just flat looking pimples and within about a month or a little less my skin just had some scar Mark's left. That's when about the retin A was almost finished and I started an aloe vera and cucumber face cream which I wish I knew of sooner as it was so cooling and smelt amazing.
That's what I use now and I have been using retin A ever since which has improved the texture of my skin and also shrank my pores, removed the hyperpigmentation from pregnancy ( I stopped the retin A once my pimples calmed and started after baby maybe 3 month break)
Have you tried retin A?
What is the cause for your pimples?
Is it acne or just hormonal break outs once a month ?
I feel your pain hun
