Do you tell people who purchased fake mac on eBay?


Well-known member
Recently I have been watching a few fake mac products on eBay. And when they are won I usually contact the person and direct them to here! Lol.

I was hoping someone else out there is doing the same to help combat fake mac?
I just get annoyed because people could get very very bad reactions to fake mac. And I always get messages back telling me how much they appreciate me directing them here and for letting them know its a fake =)


Well-known member
What a nice thing to do! I don't really go on ebay much, but that definitely sounds like something I'd do, because I hate fakers and liars.
Not only do they rip people off but they put their health at risk, all for some profit. People suck, I swear..

Although, I'd probably take it one step further and send the seller messages cursing them out (because I can turn into a 12 year old at the drop of a dime, lol... jokes.) But really, I'd let them know they're a bunch of asswipes for what they're doing.. sullying the MAC name by distributing sub-par and often downright dangerous products.. which when those who actually take them to be MAC, then have a bad impression of the brand.
That makes my blood BOIL!


Well-known member
I just feel bad because I saw a reaction to a "Fake" pigment the other day. It was horrendous. Long story...

That kinda pushed me on. I can see why people think its their own fault for not checking. But some people are just unaware and it may be their first time buying MAC.

Its not just the "Oh well its their own fault" thing, its the scary reaction I saw. And I know if I just told a few people it could prevent someone having to go to hospital and have huge bills.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kayteuk
I just feel bad because I saw a reaction to a "Fake" pigment the other day. It was horrendous. Long story...

That kinda pushed me on. I can see why people think its their own fault for not checking. But some people are just unaware and it may be their first time buying MAC.

Its not just the "Oh well its their own fault" thing, its the scary reaction I saw. And I know if I just told a few people it could prevent someone having to go to hospital and have huge bills.

Oh wow, is it someone you knew personally that had the reaction or was it online? I'm curious as to what happened.. that sounds horrible!

And while I agree that people should be smart consumers, sometimes it is SO hard to tell, we all know that. They are getting craftier with the fakes and sometimes even a seasoned MAC addict can get duped! I can't really fault the average person for not knowing that the fake pgmt has a shinier lid for example.. Its difficult to be sure. Unless you are directed to Specktra by a friendly ebayer.


Well-known member
The short version of the story!

One of my friends brought one of those "25 eyeshadow" lots from Thailand. Ignoring my advice, and she has sensitive skin anyway.
She came up in a nice huge bumpy rash all around her eyes, and it was really swollen.
Since she was to embarrassed to go to hospital Dr.Kayte had to treat her in her apartment. The swelling went down eventually but it taught her a lesson!

Her eyes were sealed shut for a bit, I was going to post some pics up on here of her rash and swollen eyes but shes a bit dubious about her face being online.

I will try to figure a way of putting some up. Titled: "The effects of fake Mac"....

Its getting bloody hard now days to work out fakes, I am having to squint at pics!
I used to enjoy buying on eBay, now I really only buy from a select few sellers.

I think eBay should hire a "Specktra detective squad" to pick out fake mac. Lol that would be awesome!

Ah well! Its late and I am rambling!


Well-known member
OMG that sounds awful! I'm glad she is ok, but I hope she has learned an important lesson. I think posting pics of her would be beneficial and possibly make someone think twice about buying stuff like that. Even if she doesn't want to show her whole face, a partial pic will do.


Well-known member
yeh ive messaged quite alot of people!

one time this girl said she wasnt bothered about it... she bought about 15 fake mac pigments for £12 (full sized FAKE ones) and i messaged her and she just wasnt bothered :S how can you NOT be bothered! god knows what you are putting on your eyes


Well-known member
I haven't, but that's a really good idea and something I might do if it's completely clear that the product is a fake, as in, one MAC doesn't even make or eyeshadow sets that don't actually come in sets. I'm pretty good with spotting fakes, but I'm not a total expert and I'd hate to be wrong. But yes, it's so nice of you to help people make a more informed decision. Fakes are seriously dangerous and I can't believe it's still allowed!!!


Well-known member
you know I was just thinking about doing that after reading a few posts about that fake royal assets palette on ebay...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cinci
you know I was just thinking about doing that after reading a few posts about that fake royal assets palette on ebay...

I beat ya too it! But a second email couldent hurt!


Well-known member
I have messaged people a few times to tell them they were bidding on fake products. One lady absolutely tore shreds off me... Said I was spying on her etc LOL

But the worst thing about it was I got my account suspended for auction interference. It did get reinstated but yeah, I was suspended for a while there, and my sisters account was suspended too because we live at the same address and we made our accounts on the same computer. I was FURIOUS!
Just be careful, it seems eBay are anal with rules that benefit them, but selling counterfeit products is fine because it makes them money.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by X_SiN_X

I would get my bf to write out a really snotty email to eBay with lots of legal terms in it about why they are promoting selling fake items, and then I think I would put what you said at the very end. LOL!

Whats dumb is in the UK I brought from a seller who was selling fake phones (I wasn't aware) and within 20 seconds of winning the auction I had 20 emails telling me it was fake.

And they complain about 1 email over some Mac?



Well-known member
I'm one of those people who bought counterfeit MAC off eBay UK. My e/s arrived yesterday and I was so disappointed! 3 out of 4 of them are FAKE. I contacted one of the sellers. She replied she's wasn't aware her MAC are actually fake. I guess a lot of people can't tell if they're fake/real. She refunded me immediately and even paid for the return postage.

No news from the other seller who sent me a fake and an authentic MAC e/s. I'll post the seller ID shortly. Maybe I should START writing emails to those people who have bought from her.

It's the first and the last time I bought cosmetics off eBay. Even though they'll be a bit more expensive to buy from the counter, I don't have to worry about spending my money on fakes. *I actually just bought 4 new e/s from MAC during my lunch break today. Ahhh...*


Well-known member
I messaged a few people on Trade Me (NZ Ebay) regarding fake items they'd purchased. Some didn't care, some were glad I told them and one girl actually blacklisted me from commenting on her auctions and bitched about me to a bunch of other members. Cow.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tripwirechick
I messaged a few people on Trade Me (NZ Ebay) regarding fake items they'd purchased. Some didn't care, some were glad I told them and one girl actually blacklisted me from commenting on her auctions and bitched about me to a bunch of other members. Cow.

trademe is so petty


Well-known member
it's a risky thing to do.

like someone outlined earlier - your account on these sites could be suspended or even deleted if complaints are made about you, and you could get yourself blacklisted by counterfeit sellers and find yourself being harassed.


Well-known member
If you get me on a pms day you'll see me sitting in front of my macbook messaging all the fake mac sellers on ebay. It makes my blood boil. How dare they take people's money like that!! I always feel bad if something I sell goes for more than what's it worth - ok yeah so the person bid on it, it's their responsibility but if I've got something that I know should not be sold for that amount of money I feel terrible. I once sold a long sleeve top for $90 and I put some money in the sellers package. If she had seen what she had bought for $90 she would've kicked herself. These people are vulchers!!!!!

If anything ebay does has a policy against counterfeit items in the end who should be the one's getting reprimanded? the fake ebay sellers or the users who inform a buyer that an item they bought is not genuine?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sweetangelkiss
If you get me on a pms day you'll see me sitting in front of my macbook messaging all the fake mac sellers on ebay. It makes my blood boil. How dare they take people's money like that!! I always feel bad if something I sell goes for more than what's it worth - ok yeah so the person bid on it, it's their responsibility but if I've got something that I know should not be sold for that amount of money I feel terrible. I once sold a long sleeve top for $90 and I put some money in the sellers package. If she had seen what she had bought for $90 she would've kicked herself. These people are vulchers!!!!!

If anything ebay does has a policy against counterfeit items in the end who should be the one's getting reprimanded? the fake ebay sellers or the users who inform a buyer that an item they bought is not genuine?

Hey I'm sure we're all on the same page here...

eBay are ridiculous, and MAC just compound the problem by not doing anything about it. They can work directly with Vero to crack down on all the fakes but they have wiped their hands of it...
If MAC can't be bothered and eBay can't be bothered then theres honestly nothing anyone else can do and that PISSES me off to no end.
I've lost hundreds of dollars on fake MAC and I know other have to but eBay doesn't care, MAC doesn't care, we are the only ones that care and when we try to do anything they take away our voice

Stick to MAC stores if you want anything... Its the only safe way now


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X_SiN_X

Omg that made me crack up.

Anyway, As for this thread.
It's insane the reactions people can get from these products.
And it's insane people are actually counterfeiting them and selling them on ebay for some money.

Anyway, I'd never shop on ebay because of this reason.
I have in the past, but these days sellers have gone mad.