Does anyone else dream about MAC??


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

Lately, I have had some dreams that involved MAC make-up in it! It's funny cos I have thought of posting this topic before eversince I started dreaming in MAC colors lol.

mrs. bebee917

Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

of course i dream about MAC.... quite frequently actually.... i always find myself dreaming about what color combinations i'm going to put 2gether... & many times i remember them & try 'em out! lol


Active member
Re: Does anyone else???

What a funny thread! I did dream about MAC once, when Originals wasn't released yet. In my dream I went to the store and the collection was available. And the funny thing is that a MA called me next day and told me that the collecion has arrived! It was a dream that came true!! :p


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

I dreamt once that I got a huge haul and it was amazing, and I woke up and I was so sad. Another time I dreamt I went to a dollar store wasting time waiting for the MAC store to open, and the dollar store had MAC stuff! I was sad when I woke up from that dream too!


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

lol! i have but only once. i dreamti got a giant MAC package in the mail and was playing with it. then i woke up...


Active member
Re: Does anyone else???

Yes lol I do sometimes I think about all the stuff I want & saw then I end up dreaming about makeup.


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

I had a dream a few weeks ago and I had a little drawer thing from Target like a few youtubers have. In the top was face stuff, the middle was lippies and tools and the bottom had 2 full 15-pan pallettes with my eye stuff.

Wow, this is a problem aha.


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

I dreamt two weeks ago my husband was applying MAC to my eyes w/the 239 brush during love-making. LOL!.....Weird, I know. When I told him he thought I was weird and assured me THAT would never happen! I guess I dreamed this because he's helping me create a database of my collection.


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

I had a dream about club and patina e/s the other night. I have not got these eyeshadows so maybe it was a sign lol.


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

Lol yeah Mac has filtered into my dreams too! I think it's nothing to worry about. When something is exciting to you or you feel passionate about it it's likely that it will filter into your dreams


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

I had a dream once that my best friend and I were in a van with 4 of our guys friends and we were driving up the coast of California and stopping at every MAC on the way.

It was seriously random.


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

Last night I had a feverish dream about Heatherette going up weeks early on the UK website. I was desperately trying to get my order completed before it all went out of stock but at the same time worrying that I should post immediately in the MAC Chat Europe forum to let everyone else know it was online. Oh dear!


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

Weird you bring it up because...

Just last night I had a weird dream that I was going out to a club but I had forgotten to put on my makeup, so I excused myself to the bathroom and apparently had taken my whole makeup kit with me (weird), so I was putting on my makeup and it was taking soooo long! Like, hours! And then finally I was all finished and went into the club, and the party was over. Bwahahah!

Girl about town

Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

i had a dream about heatherette too it centres around the anxiety i feel when i go online and realise its sold out!!! lol sad!!!
Misschevious maybe the dream is a way of telling you you spend too long doing your make-up lol xxx


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

Originally Posted by lsperry
I dreamt two weeks ago my husband was applying MAC to my eyes w/the 239 brush during love-making. LOL!.....Weird, I know. When I told him he thought I was weird and assured me THAT would never happen! I guess I dreamed this because he's helping me create a database of my collection.

LOLLL that's so funny!

i just had a dream last night about trio 1 from heatherette. i don't exactly remember what happened it was one of those really short dreams. i haven't gotten anything yet but i already planned on getting trio 2 instead of 1. hmm.


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

I dream of getting unlimited MAC for life and how happy my wallet has become. Then I wake up and cry. Hahah kidding about the crying*


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

Well the night before Heatherette launched, I had a dream that I went into work early the next day and went to the MAC outpost (my mall has a MAC in Nordie's and then an outpost right next to it) and they told me that they didn't get any of the Heatherette in, and by the time that I would be able to go to the freestanding store 8 days later, it had already all sold out.

Also another one was people getting me every piece I wanted in the Naughty Nauticals for my birthday


Well-known member
Re: Does anyone else???

I had a dream about a Specktra lady a couple of nights ago - sounds creepy but it was just one little bit in a much bigger dream!

I was waiting to get into the lift at work and when the doors opened, vocaltest walked out, complete with her lovely Black Ore + Delft FOTD look and new shoes which appeared in the same post! I immediately starting thinking about how rubbish my own make-up was looking but dreams being dreams, I was onto another thing before I could be scrutinised too much. Clearly I've been spending too much time on Specktra lately!


Well-known member
I had two MAC dreams. The first one I had a dream that I went to the MAC counter in the mall closest to me that at the time, I hadn't been to yet. So... The next day I went LOL.

Then the other dream I had was that I found the entire McQueen collection at a flea market.


Well-known member
i was going to post something similar to this!
i dont dream per se but my obsession with mac has started recently (within the past couple months) and let me tell you, i'm OBSESSED lol i really dont even have the money to be spending but i still do. lol i wake up in the morning and i'll already start thinking about things i've been wanting to buy and if i wake up in the middle of the night it's the first thought that pops in my head. its like taken over my brain! lol

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