Does anyone else find this a bit disturbing?


Well-known member
I'm that asshole! I'm in Canada and not close to a MAC store and it's cheaper for me to buy it at a bit higher price on eBay than to pay for gas and the 15% sales tax I get hit with.

Maybe you should ask before you call someone such a lovely name!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by michy_mimi
Okay so I was just cruising ebay and happened across this auction. This person has most of the culturebloom set for sale....I guess I am just unsure of why someone would want to pay this much for something that will be released in a week?

What do you all think?

Maybe they aren't located near a MAC store or maybe the person lives outside the US. Anyway, I don't think the seller is gouging--the starting prices were extremely reasonable.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ambriel
I'm that asshole! I'm in Canada and not close to a MAC store and it's cheaper for me to buy it at a bit higher price on eBay than to pay for gas and the 15% sales tax I get hit with.

Maybe you should ask before you call someone such a lovely name!

I think she was calling the seller an asshole, but even's a touchy thing to say because like this, you bought never know who you'll offend.


Well-known member
I agree with what samtaro said, I also think the initial poster Chelly was implying that the seller, in selling the item(s) in question might be considered an 'asshole' because they were looking to profit from someone else's desire to have something from the collection.

The States is soooo lucky; they get everything before the rest of the world, and get it cheaper. Sigh!


Well-known member
Hey I just wanted to say that I am sorry if anyone got offended by this was posted out of general curiosity. I thought it would be one of those discussion threads, because I too thought that this person was trying to profit off others desires as well. Once again sorry if my curiosity made anyone feel bad...


Well-known member
You're fine, it's not like you outwardly insulted anyone, so it's ok. Judging from the responses, seems to be a discussion thread to most of us.


Well-known member
Its hard to put a price on an item on Ebay. If the person puts it up at a reasonable price, then its totally up to the bidders to do their homework! Alot of people aren't able to order directly from mac, if they don't have a credit card, or if they live in another country. Hell, i've even paid too much just because i didn't feel like getting in the car and driving 5 minutes to the mac at the mall. What angers me on ebay is people charging an arm and a leg for shipping, and not combining. And the straight up scammers who never send the product...


Well-known member
I don't think anyone should be called an asshole, seller or buyer. People on here and other sites sell things way above retail, so does that make them an asshole also???


Well-known member
I agree w/ bocagirl, I don't think anyone's an asshole in this situation. If you actually look at the auction, the e/s you're showing actually started at $7.99, which is over $5 less than the retail price (without tax). I don't think that's so unfair. As said above, it's the buyers who jack up the prices, and it's their choice how they spend their money--especially for people outside the US.


Well-known member
Ebay's a crapshoot all around. It is hard on people from other countries because I do think sometimes people will take advantage & jack their prices up accordingly, but if the market (so to speak) will bear it, they probably figure why not? And buyers go into it theoretically knowing what they're getting into, and if they're happy with it, then that doesn't confront me. It's all supply and demand, blah, blah, blah, I'll shut up now. Capitalism is an imperfect system, but it's all I know what to do with....


Well-known member
It's amazing tho what people will bid & pay for something just to get it a little ahead of schedule. There'll be a glut of these items here shortly, and most likely free shipping promo of some type off the MAC website, so other than helping this seller make a bunch of money off something that should not be available right now anyway, what's it accomplishing? Right now, if I wore some long-unavailable obscure MAC eyeshadow today, NOBODY would be running up to me pointing at my eyes saying "Ooooh, is that ___?" Or maybe just the private knowledge that I'm wearing something I feel nobody else in the tri-county area possesses yet is some kind of ego boost! *lol*

I truly understand why people get things off Ebay, and I've done it too! I've snagged some dc'd colors from reputable sellers, at a price I found agreeable since it equaled about what they'd have cost to begin with. I'm just not part of the "demand" for stuff that is going to be all over the place if I just wait a while, & figure out if I actually like the shades, test them at the store maybe, and then buy them....rather than just wildly bidding so I can win them before anyone else can get them. I've gotten the Ebay bug & bid on things because you get the competitive streak going and it might not be something that you really need or even want that bad.


Well-known member
I think it's OK.....for me it's the perfect opportunity to get these items below retail and earlier than the release date over here!!


Well-known member
Like others have said, not everyone has easy access to MAC or even delivery. I shake my head too sometimes at what people will pay for some things (not this - I'm thinking more of the $90+ Parrot shadow recently on eBay!), but if that's what people are willing to pay, why not sell it at that price? Why shouldn't someone profit off of someone else's desires? Isn't most of what we buy a desire? Should people just give stuff away?


Well-known member
I Think That You Have To Be Incredibly Careful With Ebay. Yes There Are Some Real Reputable Sellers And There Are Other Who Are Not. I Know SonRisa Said That They Have People That Work For MAC That Solely Cruise Ebay To See What Is Going On. The Eyeshadow For $90 Was Rediculous And Who Ever Bought That Is Two Sandwiches Short Of A Picnic
. Again There Are Reputable Sellers And There Are Not So Reputable Sellers Just Please Be Careful!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Sometimes it's not an items retail value, but the internal value determined by the bidders. There are a few shadows that IMO are worth more than $13.50.
I have paid a little over retail to get a few things that I missed out on before, or for a backup of a loved product. What harm does it really do? The buyer gets a product that they want, and determines the price that they will pay for it, and the seller makes money. No one is being taken advantage of. People just have to use common sense when they are bidding. Know the item, check feedback, read the listing completely, and check the shipping cost. No one has to bid if they don't agree with anything about the auction. For instance, the last time Pretty Twisted came up on ebay, I wanted it very much, but didn't bid on it because it was more than I was willing to pay, but I am happy for the person who can afford to and is willing to spend $100 on eyeshadow. Good for them, I wish I could toss around money like that.

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
What really upsets me at this point is that they are selling products that have not even came out the general public yet. It makes me wonder what they had to do to get the products so early and if they are scamming ppl for their money. Only so few ppl have should have it at this point, the MAs and the ppl that were invited to the preview nights. Would you really want to but these products just so you can turn around and make a profit at someone else's exspense. I much rather wait until I know that I can get these products legit rather than spending money with the risk of knowing that the product could be a fake. That is all that I am thinking about at the moment. I might add more later if I think of anything else to add.


Well-known member

I'm not really sure why people get upset at someone else's business venture. I mean, if you choose to sell a product, and make a profit doing it, then aren't you just like everyone else, trying to get ahead in life? It's not like these Ebay resellers are paying children in Pakistan ten cents a day to produce the items! However, big companies (no names necessary, as I'm sure you know them) have production (sweat shops) in poor countries, and we pay $200+ for shoes, $2000+ for handbags, etc.

If you don't like the price of something, don't buy it! If you don't think the seller should be able to make some extra money by selling something (regardless of what it is), then don't buy from him/her. I mean, what if I thought that you got paid too much to do the job you do? Is it right for me to openly criticize? No! (Envy, maybe

Bottom line is, opportunity means different things to different people. I don't think that sellers should be condemned or criticized or defamed just because others don't see their 'business ventures' as 'necessary'. I don't think that paying $1000 for a pair of Jimmy Choos is reasonable, but you don't I also don't think that the Choo company is run by assholes just because their shoes are overprices (I mean, does it REALLY cost that much to make a pair of shoes - just what kind of cow did the leather come from?!?)

I'm all for free speech, and your right to an opinion (I'm posting mine, right?) - so to those that spoke up, well, at least you had to 'balls' to do it, even if it was something negative. However, in a world where criticism seems to be the main focus of all communication, it's nice to be a part of a small community like Specktra, where we can 'discuss', share opinions, and not `judge' others because of our comments (I hope!).

Addictions are misunderstood by many - none of my friends can understand why I'd spend $2000/year on makeup, or why I need 47 eyeshadows and 18 lipglasses, so I understand people paying $90 for Parrot (come on, it IS a great color!). Kudos to the person who was able to make that much on one eyeshadow (they probably spent it on more MAC - LOL).

My two cents.


New member
Originally Posted by ambriel
I'm that asshole! I'm in Canada and not close to a MAC store and it's cheaper for me to buy it at a bit higher price on eBay than to pay for gas and the 15% sales tax I get hit with.

Maybe you should ask before you call someone such a lovely name!

why dont you try doing a swap on here or something. or a CP, you could get it for cheaper. just a suggestion.

and about the asshole comment, i'm gonna have to agree with implying the seller... or at least i hope so!

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