I'm not really sure why people get upset at someone else's business venture. I mean, if you choose to sell a product, and make a profit doing it, then aren't you just like everyone else, trying to get ahead in life? It's not like these Ebay resellers are paying children in Pakistan ten cents a day to produce the items! However, big companies (no names necessary, as I'm sure you know them) have production (sweat shops) in poor countries, and we pay $200+ for shoes, $2000+ for handbags, etc.
If you don't like the price of something, don't buy it! If you don't think the seller should be able to make some extra money by selling something (regardless of what it is), then don't buy from him/her. I mean, what if I thought that you got paid too much to do the job you do? Is it right for me to openly criticize? No! (Envy, maybe
Bottom line is, opportunity means different things to different people. I don't think that sellers should be condemned or criticized or defamed just because others don't see their 'business ventures' as 'necessary'. I don't think that paying $1000 for a pair of Jimmy Choos is reasonable, but you don't I also don't think that the Choo company is run by assholes just because their shoes are overprices (I mean, does it REALLY cost that much to make a pair of shoes - just what kind of cow did the leather come from?!?)
I'm all for free speech, and your right to an opinion (I'm posting mine, right?) - so to those that spoke up, well, at least you had to 'balls' to do it, even if it was something negative. However, in a world where criticism seems to be the main focus of all communication, it's nice to be a part of a small community like Specktra, where we can 'discuss', share opinions, and not `judge' others because of our comments (I hope!).
Addictions are misunderstood by many - none of my friends can understand why I'd spend $2000/year on makeup, or why I need 47 eyeshadows and 18 lipglasses, so I understand people paying $90 for Parrot (come on, it IS a great color!). Kudos to the person who was able to make that much on one eyeshadow (they probably spent it on more MAC - LOL).
My two cents.