Does anyone have the MAC traincase 1.6?


Well-known member
Does anyone have this? every pic i see just shows you the outside, but i want a really good look at the inside to see if its really worth shelling out £200. if anyone can help itd be great


Well-known member
Don't get me wrong.... i LUV mac! but this case is in my eyes not worth spending that much money. If you have a small collection and decide not expend, likes to throuw money around and have to have it for collection's sake....... then it's a great case to go get
. Other than that i think not.

Lol to the ma's here in holland always trying to sell me that case with the awesome story about; how strong this case is. Way stronger tan others, like a plain's blackbox
. That if i happen to crash my plain tis case is gonna survive the crash!!! another case would never :eek2:

I always say to them ''And what about me ghah??...
... am i gonna survive a plaincrash'?. But yea, it's always good to know that your mac will live forever after my ass is gone'


Well-known member
haha! thanks for being honest
£22 is a LOT of money i was just wondering if it was actually worth it.


Well-known member
ive seen that beautybox site before and there are a few i like on that site. i keep all my mac in an ikea box i dont really like the idea of having mine in a traincase though
but they are gorgeous


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
i cnt find that traincase that u posted up glitzegal

website is

Not sure if I'm allowed to put the link or not. If it's removed PM me and I'll sent it to you that way

The style is called San Remo. It's under the cosmetic collections.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I always say to them ''And what about me ghah??...[IMG said:[/IMG]... am i gonna survive a plaincrash'?. But yea, it's always good to know that your mac will live forever after my ass is gone'


Ms. Z

Well-known member
It's a cute case, but too small for the price. On other sites and ebay you can get a much larger case for half that price and a similar one to to MAC case for about $50. I'm not saying that if I got it for free or under $100.00 I wouldn't take it, but not the $225.00 original price.


Well-known member
I've posted before about how much i dislike the 1.6, so I'll just copy and paste:

I have the MAC 1.6 case and I have not been happy with it. I bought it because it's insulated and durable, two qualities most other cases i've tried dont seem to have. The case is super-heavy; it really hurts to try to carry it, whether by hand or on my shoulder.

It doesnt really hold all that much; i can fit the same amount into the mac carryall, which is lighter, and convenient. I dont have that large of a collection, 2 x15 eyeshadow palettes, blush palette, 5 quads, a handful of paints, a dozen liners, a dozen lipsticks, few mascaras, a few foundations and powders, and that sucker is FULL. I thought i was moving up from the carry all to a lot of room, but not so much.

The thing that really drives me crazy is that it tips over easily, unless opened all the way, no matter how i arrange things inside. Since it has to be opened all the way, it takes up tons of space, so i normally have to set it on my floor, which is not convenient.

Honestly, i only keep it because it says mac on it, and for $225, that's pretty sad. I store my things it when i'm at home, but i travel with the carry all. I havent really seen the heat resistant aspect of it, and it definitely is durable though. If you really want a MAC case, i vote for the carry all. Holds tons, light, doesnt take up a lot space.

Original thread with more opinions

Hope that helps!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MacVirgin
I always say to them ''And what about me ghah??...
... am i gonna survive a plaincrash'?.

Just climb in your traincase!

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