Does anyone know if these brushes are real? Ebay..


New member
=osi_widget OSI_PR4_PCN_BIX&refitem=190111207831&itemcount=4&r efwidgetloc=closed_view_item&refwidgettype=osi_wid get

Does anyone know if these brushes are authentic? Seller "May_Cup" on Ebay...

Thanks in advance!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by infernoagogo
=osi_widget OSI_PR4_PCN_BIX&refitem=190111207831&itemcount=4&r efwidgetloc=closed_view_item&refwidgettype=osi_wid get

Does anyone know if these brushes are authentic? Seller "May_Cup" on Ebay...

Thanks in advance!


The link you posted brought me to:

This listing (refwidgettype=osi_widget) has been removed or is no longer available. Please make sure you entered the right item number.
If the listing was removed by eBay, consider it canceled. Note: Listings that have ended more than 90 days ago will no longer appear on eBay.

I searched for May_Cup in the Community section and she's got nothing up for sale. Could you perhaps re-post with the item number, please?


New member
Sorry about that link! I don't know what happened! I'm new at this! ( :

Item number is: 140116521967 and there is another one with the item number: 140115796092

Thanks for your help!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by infernoagogo
Sorry about that link! I don't know what happened! I'm new at this! ( :

Item number is: 140116521967 and there is another one with the item number: 140115796092

Thanks for your help!

That's ok and thank you for re-posting with the item numbers!
140116521967 - Someone has put a bid
140115796092 - Buy It Now Option only

Unfortunately, I'm not really familiar with brushes but A LOT of the members here could actually help you out! I've actually seen that sold on eBay but I never bothered with purchasing brushes on eBay since they're mostly fakes! Note that I say mostly.. some sellers are actually honest and genuine sellers!

I found something similar when I googled "MAC 5 piece brush set",
Red handled Brush Set 5 pcs - Same brush numbers but in Red. They look dodgy especially the crimping section of the brush (according to the fake brush threads that I've looked through). This Fake Brushes thread is quite useful...

Ask the seller whether the brushes are individually packed in cellophane and if there are barcodes for each? This might help... I hope.


New member
Thanks for the help! I think I am gonna pass on that set, just in case!
