Does anyone remember the MAC PLastic Bags?


Active member
Hi.. I was wondering if anyone could remember the Zippered plastic bags.. they connected together and you could seperate them... they were square and it was a tough plastic.. you would put things in them.. like a heavy duty sandwich bag.. Does anyone have them?

I Can't even tell you what collection they came from.. I think I just started with mac so it had to be any where from 2000 and on...
They also had M.A.C rin black on the bottom of it.. it had 4 total of the bags..
I know Im not making this up! LOL


Well-known member
they are called snip snaps and they are on the pro website. You can usually get them at regular store, not just pro store. they're great!


Active member
Thank You! I just called me MAC store and had them hold it till the weekend when I get up there... I wanted them sooo bad.. and I didn't think they even sold them anymore.. and what do you know? they do and the store only has 2!
Thanks AGAIN