does brushing at night cause soreness?


Well-known member
when i brush my 20 month old's teeth at night, she most of the time wakes up in the middle of the night crying. one time i didn't, and she didn't wake up. i was thinking since her molars are coming in, that maybe i'm causing more soreness to her gums. what do you moms think? and i won't let her go without brushing, so should i brush then add orajel afterwards?


Well-known member
Its most definately the teething, the exact same thing happened to my daughter at around that age, you should not stop brushing but give her childrens motrin 1/2-1 hour before she sleeps and she should be fine


Well-known member
every night? is that alright to do? and is tylenol ok, that's all i have right now. Quote:
Originally Posted by xxManBeaterxx
Its most definately the teething, the exact same thing happened to my daughter at around that age, you should not stop brushing but give her childrens motrin 1/2-1 hour before she sleeps and she should be fine



Well-known member
Yeah I'm not a mum so my opinion isn't necessarily what you're looking for, but I don't think I'd be comfortable giving my kid drugs every night...


Well-known member
I can understand why many are fearful of giving drugs to their young kids, but it in no way, shape, or form can aspirin harm your child's safety, growth and development if taken appropriately, im speaking about aspirin only. (sorry pharmacy student)

Tylenol is okay to use as long as the one you gots is made for children only. If your afraid to give it, i would give one to her on the nights she starts crying, and she should be back to sleep shortly for the rest of the night again. Just maybe skip her gums for a little while, and use a washcloth really gently to wash the teeth she does have clean.

I hope she feels better soon ^^


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
^You definitely know more about it than me.

nahh but you brought a good point, maybe its better just letting her endure the pain for a little bit instead of resorting to man made pills, its a scary thought.. because of how young she is and what not, but babies take tylenol all the time for fevers so it should be okay ^_^


Well-known member
it's 1:25 eastern time and i put her to bed around 10:30 and she woke up only when i was getting wipes for her sister. but good thing she went back to sleep right away. i hope she makes it through the night, but if she doesn't i might need to try the tylenol. i need my sleep!

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