Does having a pixe cut make you dress or do makeup differently?


Well-known member
I recently took the plunge and had my near shoulder length hair chopped. Pixied really. I had been growing my hair out for my friend's wedding b/c I wanted it to be long enough to put up and wasn't super happy with how it was looking. It was the longest it had been in quite some time and I felt like it just sort of hung there, not quite limp but still not full and pretty looking so when I came across a pic of Michelle Williams and her pixie cut, I thought I'd really like to try that. I finally did it right before my birthday in April and so far, I have loved it, especially the teeny amount of maintenance it was taking in the mornings. I got all kinds of compliments on it, some people even going so far as to say it suited me better than longer hair.

I've found though that I do sometimes feel maybe not quite as feminine with the shorter hair (which is even shorter up top now since I had it recently trimmed to be more like Halle Berry's cut) and feel like lately I've been making sure more to dress a bit more girly or try to do softer, prettier makeup. I do feel like now dangle earrings look different and not quite right with it but I know it might look different to other people.

Do any of you pixied ladies out there find that you are dressing different or doing m/u different now that you have shorter hair?


Well-known member
enjoy your new hair cut! my mum has her hair like that and she dresses in very feminine clothing now - lots of skirts and such. she still wears jeans and stuff around the house but when she goes out she does wear more feminine clothing. i'm not sure if this is deliberate though! she also wears smaller earrings but she doesn't really wear any make up at all.


Well-known member
Whenever I wear my hair shorter or just have it pulled away from my face, I tend to wear my makeup much stronger to enhance my features. This means thicker brows, more contouring, or brighter colors.

Amber Dawn

Well-known member
I notice I make all sorts of different decisions about fashion and makeup depending on my haircut. I don't usually go more feminine or not, just.. different. Right now I have boycut short on the sides and back, with medium length up the back to the crown, and long on top. I can style it in so many ways, and it's made me bolder in my choices not because I wasn't bold before, but because I couldn't pull it off. With this cut, I can pull off a lot of looks that were too jarring with my shoulder length hair.


Well-known member
I'm finding that I just seem to want to emphasize the "girliness" I guess and the work polo we wear during the summer months at work couldn't make me feel less like a girl already. Not that I have anything against polo type shirts, but it's just not my thing. I also feel like dangling earrings make me look much older than I am though other people say the opposite. It's a battle right now to let the hair grow long or keep it short. So many pros and cons of both I guess.