Does this even exist?


Well-known member
I need a tutorial on how to use Shadesticks.

I hate my Sharkskin, but I thought maybe that was a fluke, so I bought Lemon Chiffon. LC seems creamy, and my SS seems dry. Dunno if that's because I got SS from the CCO (maybe it's old?).

Anyhow, I don't know how to use it. I tried the SS once, and it was like...dry, patchy...I tried blending with my finger and it didn't blend well. So, my eyeshadow looked funky because part was on this thick ass SS, and part wasn't. It was horrible.

Are there any tuts specifically on using a SS, like applying and blending? I searched YouTube and didn't find anything.

Oh, and one on paintpots would rock, cuz I have one that sits untouched. I tried it once, it ended in tragedy so I haven't used it since.

I know this post probably sounds stupid, but I truly don't know how to use those two products and have them look GOOD. Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
I can't necessarily say there are tutorials specifically on how touse shadesticks and paintpots, but have you tried searching for tutorials that used Sharkskin? I know I've definitely seen tutorials with Sharkskin. Here's one: - She suggests warming the shadestick between your hands for a minute before using it. Maybe this will help?? Good luck.


Well-known member
lemon shiffon from sugar sweet? Those shadestick have been newly reformulated because the old shadesticks are soo hard to work with. Maybe thats the issue.


Well-known member
Try warming up the shadestick a bit before you use it, that should help in applying it. As for paint pots I just put a little bit on my finger and spread it across my lid.


Well-known member
^^ I totally agree with the above. Heat the shadestick with a small blast of hot air from your blow dryer. Also make sure that the shadestick is always closed properly. Sometimes you think it's closed, but make sure you hear it "click." Otherwise that will cause it to dry out faster. I always use paint pots with my finger & have never had an issue with them. You don't need too much of either to get a good result.


Well-known member
i only have one shadestick and i always roll it in my hands quickly for a few seconds to warm it up before putting it on my eye. that way it won't tug my lid and it goes on smoother.

as far as paint pots i use my finger and layer it little by little. if you put it on too thinkly to begin with it will go lumpy under your shadow. so if you layer it until you get it how you want you won't overdo it.