does your mom LOVE MAC?


Well-known member
So I just wanted to tell you all about my MAC collection and believe it or not my MOM!

so my MAC addiction began with beautiful iris and surreal. Since then it has grown to an obscenely large, over expanding, can't fit into any of my drawers anymore kind of collection.

Over the past two years Ive gotten really into make up. Creativity has always been a love of mine and expressing it through make up is fun! Unfortunately, none of my girlfriends share my love for MAC. I mean NONE!!! Throughout high school I was the athlete so inclonclusion, no make up for me! haha.

My mom shares my MAC addiction and we always go to our counter to have a look around. BAM!!!! my mom has 10 eye shadows on the counter that she likes and I love! ME, Im like "WOAH, too expensive!" but my mom is like no way! lets get them! and we always have a great time finding which colors go well together and what looks gorgeous on each other! Its awesome. We always look forward to the new collections coming out. She looks online and finds colors that she likes and picks things out for me!

shes totally amazing and I am thankful to have someone to share my MAC addiction with.



Well-known member
thats awesome! i wish my mom liked MAC. my mom likes mary kay ... which, eh, mary kay is okay but i prefer MAC hands down. ive been trying to talk my mom into getting a lipstick or something, hoping she'll fall in love and so we can build our collection big together lol

i'd like to see your collection sometime!


Well-known member
My mother likes it, slowly working her way up to 'loves it'. For a while she fell into the mindset that ladies of a certain age shouldn't wear colour and should generally be human slabs of beige (that damned Bobbi Brown mindset), but she's slowly finding enjoyment in make-up again. I give her guidance when asked, but otherwise she's taking free reign of her colour choices. She has excellent taste, too.

She lives in a different state than me, but when she visits, we go to the Paddington pro store and drop some serious $$$ together. Before I moved to Sydney we used to travel down from the Sunshine Coast and go to Mecca Cosmetica and the MAC counter in Brisbane Myer every couple of months as our big treat.


Well-known member
That is so awesome! How many girls are fortunate enough to relate like that with their mom's? It's rare and that is something so special. I love it that your mom goes with you to the MAC counter, you must have so much fun! I relate in the exact same way with my mom, not with makeup, but with clothes. We go nuts together, but have so much fun clothing shopping. I'm trying to get her into MAC little by little. She's already got 2 l/s, 1 eye khol and 1 lip liner...for a start!


Well-known member
As soon as a collection comes out that will totally suit my mom's skintones, I'm taking her for a makeup. Shhhh, don't tell her, it's going to be a surprise. We're both total girly girls, but I'm more into makeup, and she more into jewelry, but, I can't say which is more expensive. :p


Well-known member
My mom is slowly starting to get into it. She just recently went and bought Studio Fix [so she wouldn't have to take mine all the time], Studio Finish Concealer, and Fix+ [for the same reason as SF]. She has started looking at the eye shadows more lately, so who knows what she'll get next.


Well-known member
thats soo cute!

i wish i had someone like that to share my passion with like art and makeup

my mother sometimes points out colors to me when she visits and we go to the MAC store together but usually she just waits there and doesnt put in 2 much imput

the funny thing is my dad when he vistits always wants to look at my collection and the limited ed stuff
my dad got me the whole zandra line! beacuse i was talking about it
i was like omg!
he payed some serious $$$ for all that stuff


Well-known member
my mom loves lustreglass. aside from lip gloss, she's not really into makeup. but hey, it's a start.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DaizyDeath

the funny thing is my dad when he vistits always wants to look at my collection and the limited ed stuff
my dad got me the whole zandra line! beacuse i was talking about it
i was like omg!
he payed some serious $$$ for all that stuff


My dad yells at me for buying more mac. he tells me i should save my money.
I usually then yell at him and tell him, it's my obsession. It's not like I'm buying crack. lol.
so yeah, I have to sneak my MAC into the house when I come back from the counter. XD


Well-known member
The only thing my mom likes is brown eyeliner and clinique's double truffle lipstick. XD Which I buy 2 tubes of for her every christmas.
Now if I can find a MAC color similar to double truffle, I'd totally get that for her instead.


Well-known member
haha, my mom is such a dork about MAC.

she's like, "omg, all my make up is MAC" and i'm like, "yeah, your 5 prolongwears and your two technakohl liners"...she does have the 187 though, so i gotta give her some credit.


Well-known member
my mom likes mac, but shes cheap, haha. but, her initials are M.A.C, so whenever she gives me crap about all the stuff i buy i just tell her its because i was born from mac :]


Well-known member
My mom doesnt wear makeup except for NARS penny lane blush (which I gave her
)..she does like alot of the colors i show her though and she buys everything so im not complaining..


Well-known member
My mom thinks I'm a bit crazy when it comes to my MAC obsession. She's really got her own makeup thing going on, but she recently did let me put some mac on her. Someday, I'm gonna take her to the store, and she's gonna be just as bad as me


Well-known member
My mom thinks it's fun, but she doesn't really wear a lot of makeup. She did just get a lacquer, plus she has a lipstick or two and an eyeliner. She can't share cause I got more of my dad's coloring (moi: NW15, brown hair, green eyes; her poss. NW or NC25, blonde (colored), brown eyes). I think it's all growing on her though. :p


Well-known member
She's getting there *LOL*

I bought her Macroviolet, Viva Glam V l/s and l/g for her birthday, and she uses it every day. So for Christmas I'm thinkin' I may get her a little something for her stocking, hehehe!

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
my mom loves MAC, even though she got some herself, she pinches my Swimming e/s alot and uses my Shooting Star MSF and some lip stuff.

She's got about 3/4 e/s of her own, 2 lippies and a prolongwear. I bought her 2 e/s for xmas and im getting her 2 MAC lippies too

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