Doing my first photoshoot for a Hairstylist, peacock themed makeup need advice please


Well-known member
Okay so I am doing makeup for a hairstylist that is being entered in the national...something hairstylist competition, the model's hair is going to be dark brown with greens, blues, and violets weaved in, her theme is colors of a peacock, my job is to do makeup in these same colors but not draw attention away from the hair, *SIGH*, i need advice, dramatic and bold make up is my specialty BUT how do i do it and not take away from the bold hair.. I am kind of stressing
oh yea if she wins, it will be published in a hairstylist magazine and we all go to vegas for a convention and get recognized..
i also love it when tons of people read my question and don't reply with anything <---hence the sarcasm.


Well-known member
The first thing that came to my mind was the way a peacock's face looks. I found this picture:

What if you did her eye make-up like the black and white part of the peacock's face (like black in the middle lid and under the eye sort of angling inwards toward the nose, with a stark white on the outer edges...if you look at the picture you'll see what I mean). Then maybe since you're supposed to work in the colours you could do something with those ball-shaped feathers on top the peacock's head, somewhere around her eyes. Like, maybe above the eyebrows, sort of made the dots "rainbowing" (yes I just made that word into a verb) outwards, going from green to blue to violet or something. I think something like that would be dramatic but wouldn't be TOO distracting. So yeah...that's my idea, not sure if that's anything close to what you had in mind, but if not, let me know and I'll try to think of something else.

Girl about town

Well-known member
how about a fairly pale face with sculpted cheeks, something like parrot and violet pigment blended and winged out at corners with black fluid line some nice false lashes and nude lips like c thru lip glass


Well-known member
I wish I could help but honestly have no idea. I just want ot say it sounds really cool and I'd love to see pics when it's done


Well-known member
what first comes to mind is major faux lashes (like Shu Uemura feather ones or something really wild like that) and utilizing teal pigment in some way. Otherwise, I am at a loss... because you're attempting to not distract from the hair, but use color, right?
I really like where Amaranth is going with the idea though!