Don't EVER go to Mobile Solutions for T-mobile service!!!


Well-known member
Alright, so I'm basically raging here. Why? Because I bought a Sidekick ID from Mobile Solutions, I didn't like it, and I returned it the next day.

I paid for the phone in cash. And then I needed some sort of card to swipe, well I gave them my old debit card from my mom's account. So then when I went to return it, I told them "Don't put it back on the card because my mom is cancelling that account!"

They wrote on there not to put it back to the account blah blah. And then they told me I would get a check back in 4-6 weeks!! 4-6 weeks for a check?! What the hell!?! Well I said "Yeah... alright whatever." and didn't think much about it. Well... 4 weeks rolled by, no check. I called back and then they fed me a line of bullshit about how it's not 4-6wks but 6-8wks.

Now I'm sorry. But it doesn't take 6-8 weeks to write a check or print one up and do paperwork and send one out. I asked them if they could tell me if the check was in processing or not. They told me they couldn't tell me ANYTHING!

So I was patient. I waited... and waited... and finally 8 weeks rolled past and SURPRISE! No check.

I called, and called and called the customer service line and left messages for three days until finally I had enough and got really angry with the customer service lady. I told her I was sick of waiting for my $200 and told her I had bills to pay and this is bullshit. So she gave me to a corporate person and she told me they had been TRYING to put my money back on the card! THE CARD! The account that was CANCELED.

Argh. So I told her okay, and asked her how fast she could send it to me. She told me she could get it to me in three days. THAT was BETTER.

And then... three days roll by. Then four. Then five. No check. Me = FREAKING OUT.

I called them. And they told me they sent the check to the wrong address. How they did that? I'm not sure. Because everytime I was on the phone with them I had to give my address.

I marched myself up to the Mobile Solutions store in the mall and told them I was being very very patient. But 10 weeks for a check? That's ludicrious.

The manager told me he was going to have the check sent to the store and would call me on my cell phone to pick it up. I believe him because I went through junior high and high school with the kid, so he better be telling me the truth.

All in all. Don't EVER. EVER get a phone from Mobile Solutions. And if you do, DON'T USE CASH!


Well-known member
wow. i hate getting the run around about something so serious like money. That sucks. Thats just wrong. 10 weeks? Thats almost 3 months!

I'm glad that it seems like you finally got it worked out. People can be so dumb sometimes.


Well-known member
I HATE dealing with bullsh*t such as people trying to hold my money from me!

I had a HUUUUUUUUGGGGEE tiff with Wells Fargo over my money, It was not pretty, They wouldn't let me take out the money I had been saving in my account, its MY FREAKIN MONEY!!!! They said "we're sorry but there is going to be a two week hold on this"

WHAT!#$!!&&*#$ !!!!!!!!!

Eventually I caused such a commotion that they gave me my money the next day.


Well-known member
don't go to tmobile period lol

Honestly, this is a lesson people around me have learned the hard way too. You're much much better off going to a store or kiosk (store is better) directly from the cell provider. Going through a middle man like Mobile Solutions or that new website they've been advertising is a big hassle because ultimately they have to get authorizations from T-Mobile or Verizon or whatever provider before they can make any major changes or decisions regarding your wireless account, which includes refunds, plan changes, cancellations and adding new lines/services. It's a ratrace and it sucks.

I'm sorry that happened to you. Next time you have troubles with your phone though, you're better off talking to T-Mobile directly.


Well-known member
T-mobile is the devil!

I had sooooooooooo many problems with them, including them letting someone charge $99 to my account. What they didn't tell (but I found on Yahoo News front page) was that someone had hacked their site and gotten the card numbers of their customers, and I just so happened to be hit. When I called customer service the guy said he couldn't see where I had been charged, which is understandable seeing as someone hacked the site and took my number. But to not give a warning to your customers and just let them find out? I know had I not called and complained along with my bank, it would have went through just like any other transaction. But I knew I paid my bill. And after that, do you know after I cancelled my account they had the nerve to hassle me over $7.41!!! I paid, but I will never EVER go back to T-Mobile. Plus their reception sucks!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Pixie04
don't go to tmobile period lol

Honestly, this is a lesson people around me have learned the hard way too. You're much much better off going to a store or kiosk (store is better) directly from the cell provider. Going through a middle man like Mobile Solutions or that new website they've been advertising is a big hassle because ultimately they have to get authorizations from T-Mobile or Verizon or whatever provider before they can make any major changes or decisions regarding your wireless account, which includes refunds, plan changes, cancellations and adding new lines/services. It's a ratrace and it sucks.

I'm sorry that happened to you. Next time you have troubles with your phone though, you're better off talking to T-Mobile directly.

Oh gawd. I tried to take it to T-mobile directly, but they told me they couldn't do anything D:

I thought the kiosk in the mall WAS a T-mobile Kiosk. Not a Mobile Solutions. I had no clue until I was missing my check and T-mobile told me they didn't do that.


Well-known member
lol this is so funny cause i worked for the mobile solutions.. for a year. lol but girl, i am SO sorry. that shit sucks. next time definitely go thru corporate stores! kiosks are too much risk and hassle =T sorry for ur experience. p.s. im p.m'ing u right now =D