Double Posting = Double Comments?


Well-known member
I've been battling with myself for some time now as to whether or not it is ok, or weird, or just plain not kosher to double comment when someone posts an especially lovely FOTD both on Specktra AND Livejournal. Any thoughts on this? I kind of feel like I'm being silly, especially because my username is the same in both places! Is it bad etiquette?? haha this is silly I know but I really am wondering!!


Well-known member
First: I think it's the wrong forum to post that

Second: That's where my French class kicks in: Chacun à son goût...if you like post-whoring and posting around, go for it!
Third: If you ask this you have to ask yourself if it's OK to post the same answer to a question that's already been answered and discussed!



Well-known member
We have strict rules about postwhoring here, but if I understand you correctly, you just want to post a nice comment here and then a second nice comment over on livejournal. I don't see a problem with that because livejournal and specktra, while sharing some members, also have a different member base.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shawna
We have strict rules about postwhoring here, but if I understand you correctly, you just want to post a nice comment here and then a second nice comment over on livejournal. I don't see a problem with that because livejournal and specktra, while sharing some members, also have a different member base.

Yes! That's what I'm trying to say. I feel like I should always try and find something nice to say when people get the courage to post a look, so I feel bad when there are few comments on either a LJ entry or a Specktra post and even if I've already commented I feel obligated to do so again.


Well-known member
That is what I thought you meant and I think it is nice that people take the time to comment on the fotds. Btw, I moved this to chatter for you. It should get more responses here


Well-known member
hmm...i don't see the need to comment twice when you've already, since you have the same username and all.
i have the same name on both sites and i don't ever double post, but that's me