Dry MAC lipstick?


Well-known member
My sister just bought me Smile yesterday and when I put it on, it seems very dry. It doesn't glide onto my lips. It kind of pulls and drags and doesn't lay nice. The only way I can describe it is that it looks like my lips are chapped under the lipstick when they really aren't. Does anyone else find any of their MAC l/s to be like this? I have a few others and I don't remember them being so tough on my lips in the beginning. Maybe it needs to be "broken in" or something. Any ideas?


Well-known member
It's most likely b/c it is a frost lipstick. They tend to be like that. I use lipbalm underneath frosts.


Well-known member
It's funny you mention that because I thought the same thing too when I put Smile l/s on. I was like "I don't know if I like this!!" But I do think it's because it's a frost like macchicaboom said, so we should take his/her advice and try lip balm underneath the l/s first. So don't think you're the only one with this problem!!!


Well-known member
The same thing happened to me last night when I put on ruby woo l/s. I usually put a thin layer of chap stick or something similar which makes it glide on easier. Then I have to put on a few coats but it makes it so it doesn't drag when it is put on.


Well-known member
ruby woo definitely makes me a little dry in the lip area.. i use balm & then blot if off

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