Originally Posted by makeba
some shampoos you should look into are ones without sulfates and are more natural. like Burts Bees raspberry shampoo for moisture is an awesome shampoo for dry hair
Yep, check out the organic section of your local supermarket, or check Walgreens or Target (my local Target has a pretty good-sized section of natural baeuty lines).
Some people like LUSH shampoo bars - personally, I use shampoo bars from Basin, and while they do use a SLS base, they are much easier on my scalp than anything else I tried in the last 10 years. My scalp used to have major issues, big pieces of skin coming off, open sores, you name it. A few years ago I narrowed it down to a petroleum allergy, and switching to those shampoo bars (which only have a few ingredients) cleared it up within a week.