Dry Scalp Treatment?


Well-known member
I have a super dry scalp & I think all the relaxing & sitting under dryers just makes it worse. But, it's something I have to do. Are there any kind of like dry scalp treatments that I can use? Like a scalp conditioner or something? Maybe something I can apply to my scalp before sitting under the hair dryer?


Well-known member
a dry scalp can be helped by using hot oil treatments. the oil coats the scalp and hair giving it much relief. oils you can use and mix with creamy conditioners are
Extra Virgin Olive Oil. slather on and place a plastic cap on and let sit for 1hr. and rinse with a dab of condition of your choice.
Grapeseed Oil, this is a favorite becuz its so light and can be used on dry hair not just while washing conditioning etc.
Hot 6 Oil. this oil can be heated before putting on the hair and can be used on dry hair too. it has a mixture of different oils that are great for the hair. you can buy this at walgreens or beauty supply stores.
Sulphur 8. now this grease has an odor so if you get it use it lightly. my daughter has very dry scalp and she would scratch until she would bleed. since using this it has done wonders for her scalp and no more itchies. i apply this after i wash and condition her hair once her hair has dried to her scalp only.
apple cidar vinegar rinse. this is awesome for the scalp puts the hair back to its proper PH balance. i mix two tablespoons in 12 ounces of water and rinse it through my hair and then 2nd rinse with just water. i know i am rambling but i know what should help you. good luck beautiful!!


Well-known member
Relaxers and hair dryers definitely make your scalp dry. Neither of those things are particularly "good" for your hair or your skin.

My favorite dry-scalp treatment is pure jojoba oil. It comes from a plant that grows in the desert, and it's the most similar natural plant product to sebum, the oil that our skin naturally produces. I apply it to wet or dry hair.


Well-known member
Lush has a bar that you massage into the scalp. It's like their other massage bars, except it's for your head.
LUSH -- Hair Care Products: Snake Oil Solid Shampoo (flaky scalps, SLS free)


Well-known member
Have you considered the thought that your shampoo might be partially to blame? While treatments to fix the problem are great and all, it might help to try to eliminate the underlying cause. A majority of shampoos contain chemicals that strip your hair and scalp of natural oils and dry everything out, and it'll cause you to give them more money for conditioners to try to repair the damage (convenient for the beauty industry, eh?).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shatteredshards
Have you considered the thought that your shampoo might be partially to blame? While treatments to fix the problem are great and all, it might help to try to eliminate the underlying cause. A majority of shampoos contain chemicals that strip your hair and scalp of natural oils and dry everything out, and it'll cause you to give them more money for conditioners to try to repair the damage (convenient for the beauty industry, eh?).

Do you know of any shampoos that aren't as drying?


Well-known member
some shampoos you should look into are ones without sulfates and are more natural. like Burts Bees raspberry shampoo for moisture is an awesome shampoo for dry hair. me and my daughter use this often. you can get it online at burts bees.com or check your local walgreens store. they also have conditioner too along with shampoo bars that works well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeba
some shampoos you should look into are ones without sulfates and are more natural. like Burts Bees raspberry shampoo for moisture is an awesome shampoo for dry hair

Yep, check out the organic section of your local supermarket, or check Walgreens or Target (my local Target has a pretty good-sized section of natural baeuty lines).

Some people like LUSH shampoo bars - personally, I use shampoo bars from Basin, and while they do use a SLS base, they are much easier on my scalp than anything else I tried in the last 10 years. My scalp used to have major issues, big pieces of skin coming off, open sores, you name it. A few years ago I narrowed it down to a petroleum allergy, and switching to those shampoo bars (which only have a few ingredients) cleared it up within a week.

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