ds game recs please!


Well-known member
hey guys,

can you reccomend some ds games for me? i'm bored of all the games i have so i'm thinking it's time to get some new ones! i love the pheonix wright games best. does anybody know anything similar? i also love platform games - sonic, mario. because i haven't bought a game in over a year i'm sure they'll be some new ones out that i haven't discovered yet!

Many thanks


Well-known member
well i have all the pheonix wright games, apollo justice, sonic rush, sonic rush adventure, princess peach, mario 64 ds, super mario bros, yoshi's island.... think that is all i have!


Well-known member
If you are into brain games try Professor Layton and the Curious Village. Also I would look into Rhythm Heaven. Oh and GTA:Chinatown Wars. I don't own a ds but I've actually played these games and they are pretty cool


Active member
Rythmn Heaven is great, also FF & Dragon Quest are awesome RPG's.
Another fun strategy/rpg is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2

I love Poke'mon too XD


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VanillaGorilla
Rythmn Heaven is great, also FF & Dragon Quest are awesome RPG's.
Another fun strategy/rpg is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2

I love Poke'mon too XD

If you tell me you're a Fable 1 & 2 junkie, I'll leave my fiance for you. Him and his damn first person shooters and action all the time stuff......grrr. You my friend, have impeccable taste.


Well-known member
If you like rhythm games...
Rhythm Heaven (it gets pretty hard but that's also what prevents it from getting boring!)
Elite Beat Agents (OMG I love this game, also sort of hard but the beginning levels are still fun)

Others that I loooove:
Professor Layton and the Curious Village (really well made puzzle game, somewhat RPG, with a story)
Hotel Dusk Room 215 (mystery, similar to Phoenix Wright)

I know this might sound silly but, Tetris! Especially if you have friends who have the DS, because multiplayer Tetris is even better than regular Tetris.

Also, if you like Sudoku, you will LOVE Picross.


Well-known member
i'll have a look for prof layton and hotel dusk! they both sound cool - read about them on gamespot.com
i'll check out elite beat agents too - a rythem game might be fun.

and i actually have china town wars - forgot to mention that! my husband works for rockstar and actually helped make that game
so we get all rockstar games for free


Well-known member
hee hee! yeah he gets any rockstar game, ps3, xbox, psp. wii even pc games too! i'm not so into those types of games though!

i will check out mario and sonic at the olympics!


Well-known member
Dunno how open you are to it, but have you thought of purchasing a flash cart? It's a DS cartridge that you put a microSD card into and it lets you put downloadable games on it. Unfortunately, it's illegal, so if that doesn't float your boat then :C

Also Lock's quest.


Well-known member
I like Henry Hatsworth (puzzle + plaformer in 1) and i'm playing Starfy right now. I also enjoyed Time Hollow and Trace Memory. I tried to suggest games that weren't already suggested.


Active member
Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
If you tell me you're a Fable 1 & 2 junkie, I'll leave my fiance for you. Him and his damn first person shooters and action all the time stuff......grrr. You my friend, have impeccable taste.

hahaha! I do like Fable
, just gotten into first person shooters too (getting the hang of them), how did you know
? Magic!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
Dunno how open you are to it, but have you thought of purchasing a flash cart? It's a DS cartridge that you put a microSD card into and it lets you put downloadable games on it. Unfortunately, it's illegal, so if that doesn't float your boat then :C

Also Lock's quest.

i did think about getting one of those flash card things... r4 card i think it's called. but i knwo my husband wouldn't be happy if i did that. i guess it'd be taking profits away from the company he works for if i did!