Dsquared2 collection NO PRO DISCOUNT?


SO..I went to get the nude rose lipstick at my MAC store last weekend. They still had it, so that was good news. However, when checking out, using my pro card, the MA told me that there is no pro discount for the Dsquared2 collection.
So I said okay....and got the lipstick anyways. When I got home, I went on MACPRO.com to see if it was true... turns out it wasn't.
"-40%" was clearly marked next to the Blood Red lipstick I put in my shopping bag. ( Nude rose was sold out on MACPRO.com)

I called the store, and was told there must be a mistake on macpro, so I called the 800 number on the pro website, and was told the same thing. " no discount for limited edition items, there must be a MISTAKE..WTF?"

Does anyone know for sure how it really is? Discount or NO discount?


Anybody? I was planning on getting some backups...but without the pro discount, I have to wait for them to appear in a CCO..


Well-known member
My neighbor is the Pro Mgr here and she said YES, the pro discount is being honored for Dsquared both at the counter and Pro Online...she said they have nothing that tells them that it is not honored and the l/s are also allowed to be B2M as well...which I B2M for two of them already


Well-known member
You can still use a Pro discount, my aunt just got both lipsticks from D Squared with hers at her freestanding store. Obviously there is some confusion within MAC as to the policy.


Thanks everybody, but I don't know what to do now?

Maybe I should try another store...even though it is 45mins away


Well-known member
booo- I hate when stuff like that happens! sometimes MAC has really crappy communication. the other day (when i actually got some d squared with my pro discount) the mua was giving me a hard time about doing b2m bc the metal pans weren't in the shadow cases i was turning in.


Well-known member
I also did not receive my pro discount on the D-squared stuff that I purchased last week at my FS store either.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ella-nz
I called other two stores today they all said no pro discount on Dsquared2...WHY??

Order our items off MAC Pro Online...or are they out of what you need online?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ella-nz
I called other two stores today they all said no pro discount on Dsquared2...WHY??

Order your items off MAC Pro Online...or are they out of what you need online?


Well-known member
i got all the style black collection and the d squared collection with the pro discount call them back and do what tish said


Originally Posted by TISH1124
Order your items off MAC Pro Online...or are they out of what you need online?

The only thing I am interested in this collection is the Nude Rose lipstick and it's sold out online. Guess I have to wait and see hope they will restock.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ella-nz
The only thing I am interested in this collection is the Nude Rose lipstick and it's sold out online. Guess I have to wait and see hope they will restock.

i love the nude rose lipstick im wearing it in my crakin up post in the fotd's
its such a pretty color


Well-known member
I'm afraid it is a general rule in our store too. Limited edition items with special packaging don't get a pro discount. It's no mistake, just a general rule (not sure how stores implement that rule all over the world)


Well-known member
I use my discount on Dsquared in NY with no problem and my friend has used hers here in London with no problem too.

That rule re: special packaging isn't always acted upon. I used my discount all over Style Warriors and if that wasn't special packaging, I don't know what is.


Well-known member
I was told no, but I asked for the C.Mgr and she was very nice and said that it was a mistake.. I don't like to bitch but sometimes you have to.


Well-known member
Right, and I was told...The Pro and B2M discount is not allowed ON Holiday packaging and Branded Packaging...Like Hello Kitty, Dame Edna, Barbie....Not persay Special packaging....But every store seems to make up their own rules...However it does not stop me from challenging those rules if i know they are incorrect and all other stores are allowing it