dude looks like a lady (failed drag looks) (pic heavy)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi~Flower

I love the MAC #42 lashes for anything theatrical, they can be a bit stiff but the overall look is dramatic. Great job on the nose contour

i will defiantly have to go get me a pair then

and thank you i need to get me some new mac foundations i use nw20 studio tech.

i need to go get lots for my kit as well as for me trying out drag looks im almost out of my studio tech


Well-known member
Tech is great, if you have a Pro Store or access to it online, MAC makes a Full Coverage foundation that is amazing for performance. It is a little creamier than tech but the coverage and finish looks really flawless


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi~Flower
Tech is great, if you have a Pro Store or access to it online, MAC makes a Full Coverage foundation that is amazing for performance. It is a little creamier than tech but the coverage and finish looks really flawless

the closest pro store is in dallas bout 4 hours away i should take a trip up there i just need to save up some money i will go insane and want to buy everything haha

i have 1 full coverage but its like 3 years old b4 the full coverage went pro only


Well-known member
The Pro Stores are dangerous honey, tell me about it!
Brace yourself for the Digi Pop collection that is a Nordstrom exclusive only.... 2 words:
It is fierce! If Dazzleglass and Amplified lipstick hooked up this would be their love child! Im seriously buying them all!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sushi~Flower
The Pro Stores are dangerous honey, tell me about it!
Brace yourself for the Digi Pop collection that is a Nordstrom exclusive only.... 2 words:
It is fierce! If Dazzleglass and Amplified lipstick hooked up this would be their love child! Im seriously buying them all!

that come out on the 10th right i will have to go get them nordstrom is 30 minutes away from me
i cant wait i love both amp lipsticks and dazzleglass i cant wait omg


Well-known member
Originally Posted by paparazziboy
that come out on the 10th right i will have to go get them nordstrom is 30 minutes away from me
i cant wait i love both amp lipsticks and dazzleglass i cant wait omg

I know..I had a total mac-gasim when I tried them on. I seriously hope that they make the part of the perm collection


Active member
Growing up around drag...they just seem too subtle, imo. The beautiful thing about drag is that it is so over the top. The makeup you have now (while very pretty!) strikes me as more dress up than drag (and I mean no offense by that at all). Because of your face shape, I'd go even more dramatic than you are now.

I think these looks would suit you better.



Just something to consider!


Well-known member
i guess i will try more for the drama man i wish i had wigs im just trying to learn the style of drag makeup it something i haven't tried


Active member
Originally Posted by paparazziboy
i guess i will try more for the drama man i wish i had wigs im just trying to learn the style of drag makeup it something i haven't tried

I would definitely glue your brows down and experiment with a higher brow. It'll allow you to do much more drag looks and will completely transform it.

The wigs are nice, but without the proper basics of drag makeup, it's not going to add to the look too much.

You should check this out:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lechat
I would definitely glue your brows down and experiment with a higher brow. It'll allow you to do much more drag looks and will completely transform it.

The wigs are nice, but without the proper basics of drag makeup, it's not going to add to the look too much.

You should check this out:
YouTube - Silencefiction - Lipstique (featuring Fauxnique)

i actually love that video i have seen it b4

i just really like my eyebrow shape those styles of drag r cool but here in tx its about being "fishy" looking like a real woman so im trying to get that more than anything

any ideas guys


Well-known member
First, these looks are great!!! But I can see how they may not seem "draggish" enough for ya. The first thing that popped in my head of CC was that maybe if you had more contouring in your face and higher eyebrows it would look more drag. Like the last two looks where you have a stronger cheek color/contour, those seem more in line w/ the type of look you're going for.

I'm still working on contouring too so I know how frustrating it can be when you're first getting into and trying to figure out how to make it look like you want. Honestly, I think a wig and some lashes and these looks would be good to go, but keep working till you get it how you like it! Can't wait to see more of your work in this area.
honey to be completely honest, it looks great! and let me say, you have wonderful skin <3 i hope to see many more posts from you.


Well-known member
Personallly, I like the brows where they are.

I love these looks! Good luck as you continue learning.

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